Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unintended Consequences (Part II)

Sometimes, ya just get a sense of deja vu from the antics in this town.

Expanding on yesterday's post, our Assessor is now going to go after City residents who register their vehicles out of state to avoid paying property taxes. Somehow, it just seemed that this song was played before....and then it became obvious.

In 2004, then Assessor Joan Robinson hired an outside firm, CT Tax Fraud Bureau, to do the same thing. In 2005, our "proven financial manager" cancelled the contract -- because it cost "thousands of dollars" -- and then fired Robinson (and her assistant) because they (rightly) believed the program brought to the City needed tax revenues in the long-term
. Robinson (and her assistant) then sued for wrongful termination; the City settled for at least $70,000. (read about this soap opera here, here, and here.)

So let's see how this dance goes --

Step 1: Assessor goes after out-of-state cars;

Step 2: Picard fires Assessor & Assistant;

Step 3: Assessor & Assistant sue; then

Step 4: City settles for at least $70,000.

It doesn't look like our "proven financial manager" was really too concerned about those "thousands of dollars", does it? Were other political pressures brought to bear? Here in West Haven? Leapin' Lizards!

Is it possible that a certain prominent downtown merchant didn't want to obey this law? This bird
has been skirting this law for years, yet is supposedly helping us control our finances as a City appointed commission member.

So here we are...at step 1 again. Ann Gradoia should be applauded for her efforts, but she should be forewarned: in West Haven, no honest deed goes unpunished. If she does her job honestly, she'll suffer the same fate as her predecessor. If she cheats by "missing" this prominent example of a scofflaw, she'll create for herself a whole new set of problems...

Will (not-yet Orphan) Ann get out of this fix? Stay tuned...this ain't over!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Unintended Consequences

Sometimes, a plan that looked good on paper suddenly triggers a strange series of unplanned events.

The Register is reporting that West Haven is cracking down on out of state license plates.

This looks like a great idea....if the law is applied fairly and evenly. For example, if a certain prominent business owner (who's in tight with the current administration) is forced to register his car in Connecticut, then we'll agree and support this plan.

This businessman has had Florida plates for years, even though his cars have been parked in West Haven year-round.

Otherwise, this is little more than election year whitewashing.

UPDATE: There's more to this story than meets the eye...stayed tuned!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What They Make - Past, Present... & Future?

By now, everyone has heard that the Mayor is not requesting a raise in his salary in his 2009-2010 budget. But...

No one seems to be talking about who will be getting more of our tax dollars.

Here's a brief table showing the jumps in salaries for several non-unionized residents of City Hall:

Now, I'm not saying these individuals are dishonest; I'm not even implying these raises aren't well-earned. But at a time when most of us are taking pay cuts (100% pay cuts, in some cases), can the City really justify giving out these pay raises?

Can someone tell me how handing the Finance Director almost $25,000 in raises over two years can be justified? I know people in West Haven who'd just like to make $25,000!

This is the same "in the clouds" Wall Street mentality that got our country into this mess in the first place.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Worry....Be Happy

Here's Johnny in Wonderland...

Mayor Picard held a press conference (or political ad on taxpayer's time) to tell us he's right and everyone else is wrong:

There are just a few problems with this screwed-up viewpoint:

  1. The $5,300,000 in debt he "forgave" to lower the stated debt - The City didn't "forgive" this debt, any more than they'd "forgive" the taxes that you owe. No, the Mayor simply moved these debts into other accounts (more AIG juking and jiving here) to keep this debt from being visible.
  2. Telling the State to go to Hell - While the Municipal Finance Advisory Commission has only the power to advise, it's created by the Office of Policy & Management (or OPM). All state grants go through this Office before they're approved. So in simple terms, Picard is saying, "we need no stinkin' state funds....we got 'prudence'!"
Just don't seem right, do it?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reading his Lips

Ya gotta admit, the two best things about John Picard is his face.

While he's pushing his new budget by pointing to $5,300,000 of debt he's "written off" (and which he created out of thin air to justify doubling our taxes three years ago), he's still insisting that he's not raising our taxes.

Yeah right...look up "shell game" on Wikipedia, and you'll see Picard's budgets.

When we get our tax bills in May, our sewer use fee will rise by $40.00 per assessment. But, says Picard, this is not a tax increase, it's a "fee adjustment".

Uh huh...if I gotta pay more, it's an increase. So, not only are we being fed a load of crap, we're gonna be charged more for getting rid of it.

UPDATE -- On Tuesday, March 31st, there will be a public hearing on this increase. GET THE WORD OUT! Harriet North Courtroom (2nd Floor, City Hall), 6:45 pm. You can bet we'll have something to say after that song and dance!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nice Work, if you can get it (before we go off the cliff)

As we said earlier, our "proven financial manager" has put us on the road straight to hell. Even the State's financial managers believe we're right....click here for details.

Why should we be surprised? After all, Picard's financial knowledge came straight from the AIG School of Business philosophy: "screw'em now, and let someone else deal with it!"

News flash: WE'RE the ones he's screwing...and those idiots who still support this Wall Street crook will scream the highest once our taxes go higher than ever...because of his AIG-type of financial jiggling.

Now, he wants to give City Hall bosses a
4% raise (or so he claims). This is a lie...the raises are far higher: some of the bosses will get $25,000.00 in increase over 2007. Wouldn't you like to get that much of a raise?

Take a gander at these two...these are just a sampling:


This tells me that the nutcases have control...more coming on this.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Priorities, Priorities...

Read the New Haven Register this morning?

Sometimes, there's nothing more to say.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Pat's Parade 2009

From Sunday's St. Patrick's Day Parade in New Haven - - -

City Clerk Deb Collins...and

"The Usual Suspects"

Some idiot with Shelley...

Ed Kennedy - The only (sober) Irishman willing to be seen with me...

Mike McGrath - 25 years & counting!

Best Band in the Parade

Just one of our Bravest

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The "VOICE" ...and the Truth

Just Simple facts:

Wednesday, March 4th - 4th District Councilman Stu Arotsky died.

Sunday, March 8th - Cars are vandalized in West Shore.

Thursday, March 12th - West Haven "VOICE" is published...with the story of the vandalism, but without any mention of Stu's passing.

I sent a letter off to the VOICE complaining of this omission...how much ya wanna bet Billy Goat-boy Gruff says it was too late to make the paper (even though it was in the Register on Friday)????

Whichever way you slice it, this is not the "Voice of West Haven"...it's either: (a) a lazy slob who takes whatever comes his way, because he can't get off his ass to seek news, or (b) a lazy slob who only parrots the bull spewed out by the administration in power...because their friends are his friends.

And THAT, my friends, is the VOICE...and the truth. You be the judge.

UPDATE - I heard that the VOICE(?) will be responding to my complaint (one amongst many) regarding this shameful lack of reporting. Riccio's "excuse" is that no one told him about Stu's death. Apparently, it is required by this self-described "newspaper" that mourners must take time away from their loss to do the reporter's job for him. Now we know which type of lazy slob we're dealing with.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The "VOICE" (of a fraud)


As if anyone could have any doubts about it, our so-called "Independent" local editor has now laid his righteous anger upon City Clerk Debbie Collins. Yep, Bill Riccio has now devoted two articles (and one editorial) to her delay in submitting her recommended office budget...by ten days. Shame and Scandal!

Never mind that three other departments were similarly late. Never mind that Riccio's own "golden boy" was twice late in submitting the state-mandated audit. Never mind that Debbie runs her office to serve everyone who needs information & help, regardless of politics. Never mind all that.

No, the real reason for all this ink is the fact that one of his employees (who recently lost her job in City Hall) will be running for City Clerk. Of course, little Billy-Boy sees no need to divulge this little, um, conflict. Of course, why quibble over little details? It's the principle! This from the same clown who called President Obama a "fascist" and a "socialist", and who called Americans "idiots"...and who didn't even have the basic decency to note the sudden passing of a City Councilman! What a class act...NOT!

If this the biggest campaign issue, it'll be a long, boring summer.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Goodbye, Good Friend


Stuart Martin Arotsky

This is going to be tough to talk about.

Yesterday, Stu Arotsky was buried. With his passing, we lost one of the greatest forces for common decency and public service I have known in my life. While many give lip service to making City Government work for everyone, Stu, as they say, walked the walk.

It is no small accomplishment to bring together all the contentious factions of the West Haven Democrats, but Stu managed to do just that on many occasions. Although he was a fierce competitor, and doggedly loyal to his friends, Stu nonetheless had that magic something that made everyone listen.

It's common for politicians to have schools or other public buildings named for them; but Stu needs nothing so trivial. He built his own civic memorial during his life: by getting long-neglected roads repaired; by erecting noise barriers near the highway...in short, by forcing the government (as he himself once said) "to do what what it should be doing automatically".

At a time when our City, our State and our nation all need more Stu Arotsky's, we now have one less.

And I have lost a close friend.