Monday, August 31, 2009

Kindergarten and Football

As was reported in the Register, the Board of Education (that is to say, we the taxpayers) has spent $450,000.00 to put a new turf cover on the football field at Ken Strong Stadium.

The Register article mainly deals with the safety issue regarding the new covering. I can't speak in any depth about this issue, except that:

  1. We should be able to trust that our elected officials will put our kids' health and safety first and foremost when choosing a contractor and materials; sadly, this has not been the "West Haven way" in the past. The "West Haven way" has seemed to be to choose the contractor who will give you the biggest campaign donations...I'll be looking to see how much this contractor gives to our "proven financial manager"...
  2. WHY should every man, woman and child have to pony up from their tax dollars for something only a few will use?
Beyond that, there's the little issue of how our tax dollars are spent. It seems there's no money on the Board of Education's budget for all day Kindergarten; yet we found almost half a million dollars to recover a football field that maybe one thousand kids will use (if you add it up over the next 15 years...assuming we don't need to replace it for health reasons!) Sports are a good and necessary part of the lives of kids as they are growing; but it should not take precedent over the more important issue of educating our more than should High School band, or Drama...and so on. If there is no money available for these extras, then those who participate in them should pony up the bucko's for the privilege of participating. This includes the upkeep of the stadium & field.

Priorities, priorities....Indeed.

We should all go to the next Board of Education meeting to ask Neil Cavallaro (shown at left below - not a Recent Photo) why he spent this money on sports, and not on education.

Perhaps we should rename the Board of Education to the Board of Sports and Entertainment.

UPDATE: Anyone who thinks our Education money is well spent should read the WTNH report here.

How Picard operates

(NOTE: I changed the illustration...this one seems to say it all)'s an interesting insight of how our feckless leader operates (what the heck is a "feck"...and why ain't he got any?)

While the Picard campaign continues to put up Picard campaign signs -- in open violation of law -- word is that himself put the pressure on the new owners of the Silver's building...and lo and behold! The challenging slate was told the other day that their signs had to come down.

Of course, we really know there was no pressure, was there? Everyone involved will deny anything like that happened. It's just that the owners - after giving the OK - "suddenly" had a change of heart three weeks later. Musta come to them in a dream....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Still Waiting.....

It just goes to show how much this administration cares about their constituents. I received numerous questions from readers about the ongoing property revaluation process; in order to get the information right, I submitted to our Assessor (Anne Gradoia) a list of very easy questions in writing about 2 weeks ago. I stipulated that I would report her answers unedited.

[Sound of crickets in the background]

Wonder how much longer we need to wait...or if we'll get our answers once the process is done.

I'll post the actual questions later today.

UPDATE: OK, here are the SEVEN questions asked of Ms. Gradoia:

1) What is the schedule for property revaluation? Is there a calendar that specific streets will be canvassed?

2) Can the appointment be rescheduled if the revaluator arrives and the homeowner is not available? If so, how does the homeowner go about rescheduling?

3) What will happen if the valuator cannot inspect the property?

4) How does a homeowner challenge the findings of the valuator?

5) Is this the same as a property code inspection?

6) Can a tenant allow the valuator into the building without the owner's permission?

7) Will the schedule be placed on the City website?

I suppose we can guess the answer to that last question....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Slan abhaile, Ted*

* Irish for "Safe Home", a traditional Irish farewell blessing

Our country has lost one of its best leaders today, Edward Moore Kennedy.

It's hard to believe the highs and lows he experienced through his long life: the thrill of seeing his brother elected as the first Irish Catholic President, only to have him gunned down three short years later; his only surviving brother killed in turn in 1968; his nephew John Jr. killed in a plane crash in 1999 (just as a plane crash almost killed him in 1964).

But, for all these trials, Ted persevered:

  • If you could vote at the age of 18, you can thank Ted;
  • If you receive Medicare or Medicaid, you can thank Ted;
  • If someone you love has food from Meals on Wheels, you can thank Ted;
  • If you can vote without intimidation or poll taxes, you can thank Ted;
  • If your child's education has improved, you can thank Ted.

For all this, and more, we should all say, "Thank you, Ted".

"...Each time a man stands up for an ideal,
or seeks to improve the lot of others,
or strikes out against injustice,
he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope..."

-- Ted Kennedy, eulogy for Robert Kennedy, 1968

Monday, August 24, 2009

UPDATE: We don't need no Stinkin' Laws!

As reported yesterday, the signs for John Picard started springing up all over town. Now, aside from the fact that John-Boy isn't running until November 3rd (and so, by law, the signs supporting him can't be legally displayed until October 4th), this brings up some interesting points:
  • Who paid for these signs? - as the picture above clearly shows, there are TWO campaign committees displayed: (a) "JP'09", a Political Action Committee (or PAC) designed by Mr. Picard to run around his own local Democratic party (which he believed - rightly - isn't going to stress itself for his re-election); and (b) "Team Picard", another Picard-created PAC to raise money for his chosen candidates (remember his statement: " I need to run with candidates I'm comfortable with." Read this: "I need more flunkies".)
  • Who Benefits from this law-breaking? - clearly, John Picard's signs need not be displayed this early: he has no challenge facing him until November. But...he wants his flunkies to win; and they no doubt want to win as well. They know that, by the time the state gets around to look at this issue (and if they win), this would be only a matter of a slap on the wrist...Nixon should've had this much of a watchdog. Which brings up the following point:
  • Why worry about this, then? - the fact remains: John Picard & his cronies do not give a fly's fart in a hurricane what the laws are: they're going to steal, lie, cheat, and do whatever they must to win this primary and election. The voters ought to be informed whenever laws are broken; in this way, they can decide for themselves who is best fit to run our City.
Get ready for more dirty tricks...I've got more dirt on their dirt.

By the way, the picture above was from a sign in front of the home of Picard's choice for City Clerk, Evangelista (one of the MANY Pascale's now or formerly paid out of OUR tax dollars!)

UPDATE: I've been told (and, after checking, I found out) that "Team Picard 2009" is not a legally registered PAC. So....If JP'09 did buy these signs and put them up, they're in deep doo-doo (not that they'd care, what with the toothless wonder our elections enforcement has become). OR...

"Team Picard 2009" is a fake name for "Team Picard" (a real PAC name) for the candidates in the Sept. 15th demo primary) designed to fool voters into thinking this is a Picard campaign...Hmmmm. Ya think Himself decided this plan? I'll report, you decide.

More coming.....

We don't need no stinkin' Laws!

These signs are popping up like weeds all over town.

So what's the big deal, right? Well, two little things:
  • John Picard is not on the September 15th ballot. The law says that these signs cannot be up more than 30 days before the election. Also...
  • The law also requires that all campaign literature - including signs - have a statement saying who paid for them. These don't. (UPDATE - My bad...after researching the law, lawn signs are apparently exempt from the "paid for by" provisions)
This isn't the first time these tricks were tried by this group...and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm betting on an "important announcement" by someone touting the Mayor just before the primary.

UPDATE: A series of complaints have allegedly been lodged about the placement of these signs...more on this to come.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Death of Democracy?

This is off my normal beat (about West Haven)...but it has implications for all of us.

I am sick at heart; and I fear for the future of this Country I love.

The proposed Health Care Reform law currently being debated in the Congress is an important issue, with far-reaching consequences for everyone: health care providers, private health care insurers, ourselves and our children, and our government. It most certainly needs a vigorous and intelligent debate – and the free exchange of ideas.

In this debate, it really doesn’t matter whether you are for or against the proposal. What does matter is that your fellow citizens – and, most importantly, your elected officials – get to hear your arguments and opinions. This is your right to free speech, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.

However, with every right the Constitution provides, there is a corresponding obligation. This is the cost we must pay for our freedoms.

In this case, the obligation is to allow your fellow citizens their First Amendment rights: my right to speak my mind is not more important than yours. It is even more important to listen to what others have to say…even if they disagree with your point of view.

In many of the so-called “Town Hall” meetings, elected officials (and regular citizens,) who held views opposing those of a (very vocal) group were shouted down, interrupted, and heckled. This is not debate, nor is it American. Worse yet, in at least two instances, people brought handguns (and semiautomatic rifles!) to forums where the President was to speak. This is irresponsibility writ large: of all presidents assassinated, all but one were killed by handguns; the sole exception – John F. Kennedy – was killed by a rifle. What message was intended by these fools? And what message was in practical terms really delivered? The states (New Hampshire and Arizona) where these outrages were perpetrated would do well to seriously reconsider whether these individuals’ judgment are in each case sufficiently sound to permit them to have such weapons.

To bring weapons to these meetings – even if it is legal to do so - does not invite the sorely-needed debate; it stifles it. That, too, is not the American way of democratic republicanism. To demonize your opponents: to suggest they are Nazis or the like – is also un-American. It doesn’t matter which fringe – the loony far left or far right – commits these acts. BOTH ARE WRONG! And both are being un-American when they do this.

What is American – what makes our democracy and the Republic which protects us – is freely stating your questions and concerns about any issue at hand, then listening politely and respectfully as others get their turn to do the same. What is even more American is to seriously consider the other side’s points, questions and concerns, challenging your own with theirs, and deciding which truly has the stronger argument.

Unless we can get back to these American foundations, our country’s future will be in peril.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trash Talkin'

The report yesterday in the Register that West Haven is switching it's private trash collectors from TrashMasters to Latella might seem at first blush to be a "ho-hum, who cares" type of story.

But, lost in the middle of this report is an interesting tidbit:

"Participating in the discussions for the trash removal contract was Kenneth Carney, head of the Building Oversight Committee. Sabo said she was instructed that all projects to go out to bid should be reviewed by the Building Oversight Committee, so she submitted the project to Carney."

This should set alarms off in the minds of all taxpayers and voters. First of all, what building is being overseen here? Secondly, on whose authority has the legally mandated review by the City Council been circumvented?

Most importantly, why do we need Ken Carney - whose vested interest in this town seems to center around how many elected officials' homes he can remodel - to review these contracts? Why can't the Council, or the Corporation Counsel...or for that matter our $2.17-a-minute Finance Director, Bob (Robber) Barron? These individuals were elected or hired for that purpose.

It is, at the very least, an appearance of impropriety and potential conflict of interest to have a contractor who performs services-for-pay for the City pass judgment on contracts for the City.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Right to Remain SILENT

The news raced through City Hall last week: as reported in the Register today, IT Director Alan Olenick was suspended, allegedly for calling Finance Director Robert (Robber) Barron a "liar". (Barron, in case you didn't read my earlier post, now grabs $140,408.00 per year -- $2.17 per minute -- from West Haven taxpayers for his financial wizardry. I thought our MAYOR was the "proven financial manager"!)

In truth, he was punished for revealing a state secret.

The list of, um, misstatements, obfuscations and other misinformations made by Mr. Barron is legendary, as is his haughty attitude to other elected officials (especially members of the City Council).

But beyond the fact that Mr. Olenick was essentially disciplined for speaking the truth (which of course is verboten these days in City Hall), the whole episode speaks volumes about how Picard realpolitik is practiced. You see, Alan Olenick was Rich Borer's executive assistant before taking the IT job (and before that, he was the publisher of our local litterbox liner -- wonder how Billy will cover this?); in Picard's eyes, he was essentially "grandfathered".

Adding to the unsavory odor of this affair, the steward of Alan's employee union is none other than Thom Reilly (father of Tara Reilly Picard); the company hired to install new servers in City Hall belongs to a family member of Picard's Human Resources Director (the problems with this company was the subject of the conversation between Olenick & Barron.) This town doesn't have a problem with nepotism....our current administration has a problem with inbreeding !

Smells like the fix is in, doesn't it?

But, the saddest aspect of this sorry story is that Alan is truly one of the good guys: he has tried mightily to run his department without political interference or motivation. He spends much of his free time studying to keep on top of innovations in the IT (computer) world, so that he can provide the best solution at the cheapest price. He is the poster boy of the type of City employee we want.

So, the word has been spread: if Johnnie ain't your BFF, he'll find some book to throw at you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

And They're OFF!

Well, although all the petitions haven't been completely certified as yet, the Register is reporting that almost all petitioners will be on the September 15th Democratic primary ballot.

The lone exception is Nancy Rossi, who came up short in her bid to challenge the endorsement of John Picard.

So, for CITY-WIDE races, the ballot will probably look something like this:

And, for City Council Races, Democratic voters will have one of the following choices:

Again, this is assuming that these challenger candidates actually have obtained the needed number of verified signatures (as is expected).

So, at present, they're basically just out of the staring gate...wonder how many turns (and twists) are coming up.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Alright now...the deadline has long been past. Although (as noted), the Registrar is working to equally insure an accurate number of verified signatures, I have two sources who have independently (and unofficially) informed me:

For the September 15th Democratic primary --

  • Debbie Evangelista will challenge Debbie Collins for City Clerk;

  • Nancy Rossi will not challenge John Picard for Mayor; and

  • Charles Marino will challenge Fran Withington for Tax Collector.
Beyond these races, the individual Council Races have not even begun to be checked yet...but I hope some overtime is spent by Ms. Hufcut to ensure a timely conclusion to this issue.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tick, Tick, Tick...

The deadline is fast approaching: all primary petitions must be submitted by 4:00 pm today.

As things now stand, it appears none of the candidates for City-wide offices have submitted enough signatures...but you can bet that many candidates are holding off until the last minute.

As fast as candidates are approved to appear on the September 15th primary, I'll post the info... and once the smoke clears, I'll provide a complete rundown of all the races that will occur.

UPDATE (7:00 pm): As predicted, many more petition sheets were handed in today. However, Michelle Hufcut will verify ALL petition signatures with equal scrutiny before verifying any candidate's position. This is a stark change from Chuckles Marino (the previous Registrar), who delegated this duty to his assistant (LaPoop, as she has been named by others): a flagrantly political hack who gave opponents' petitions scrutiny worthy of the FBI, but who accepted those of her allies (except when obviously not valid or not eligible...CYA always!).

Stay tuned for further updates....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Own Personal Town Hall

Last night, sometime after 7:30 pm, someone decided to make a "non-digital" post on West Haven Bob.

This vehicle was the only one so favored on the street...and it reminds me of the time, back in 2001, when Jimmy Morrissey told me about the egging of a family member's house. At the time, I was working against him and his faction; but he still took the time to tell me how wrong it was for someone on my side to do such a deed. Needless to say, I knew nothing of the outrage against his family; and I would have been the first to finger the culprits had I found them out.

To those who thought this latest antic was a good idea: did you think this would stop my criticism of your preferred candidate? (It's tough to know which candidate's supporters did this, but - based on the above anecdote - it ain't hard to make a good guess!)

Secondly: do you think this was going to serve any purposes of yours? If the end game was to silence me, you failed miserably: I'll be even more determined to report your thuggery.

Finally: how are you any better than the paid shills who shout down all discussion at Congresspersons' Town Halls? How are you any better than the Communist-paid thugs who frightened ordinary Poles in 1981 (or the
or Hungarians in 1956, ot the Czechs in 1968)? Do you think that by employing NAZI-like tactics, you can frighten those who oppose you into sullen silence and obediance to your will?

I think not.

I think more of the citizens: of this City, of this State, and of this Country. The actions of a few THUGS -- no matter WHAT they try -- will not silence me; nor will they silence those who come later.

You and your tactics will fail; and our DEMOCRACY will survive your idiotic and sophomoric attempts to thwart it, or to somehow get around the WILL OF THE VOTERS.

Nice try, jag-offs....ya failed. try the house the next time...or try to get at my family: the result will be the same. I will find you out, and I will prosecute. I'll let you contemplate the value of your acts (over the next few years as the guest of our least you'll have 3 round meals; plus more than you wish to receive!)

Picard to Dems: DROP DEAD! (Pt 2)

When last we saw our hero Johnnie, he was beset by an evil group of West Haven hatin' Democrats, known as the "Morrissey Family", headed by a mysterious figure known only as "Jim" (or to a very few as "Dad"). Worse, he's being challenged by a candidate who got the overwhelming support of this cabal (8 out of 30 votes!). What's our all-American hero to do?

The answer is easy: to show his love of West Haven, and to demonstrate his commitment to work on her many problems (some of which he caused...nothing like creating job security!) John-Boy declines the nomination and announces that he won't seek a third term. This stroke of genius throws the evil leadership into confusion, as there's a real chance there wouldn't be an endorsed Democratic candidate for the September 15th primary; and should Nancy Rossi get her signatures and was the only challenger, by law she became the nominee without a primary.

Both sides hold hurried meetings over the weekend to determine who to back as an alternate. Curiously, despite being the only announced candidate, Rossi is never seriously considered by either side.

Then, Our Intrepid Lad springs the last part of his trap: he announces that he WILL accept the nomination; and (using a bit of legal finagling from the State Democratic Party and the Secretary of State's Office - who's mightily SICK of hearing from West Haven by now), it is determined that he is still the nominee. In the meantime, the Democratic Registrar - acting on advice from the Secretary of State's office - wouldn't issue Rossi her petitions. Brilliant!

So, with one master stroke, John Picard:

  • Took away seven days of petitioning (including the weekend of the Savin Rock Festival) from his opponents;
  • Made the leadership of the Democratic Party look foolish and indecisive; and
  • Got an INCREDIBLE amount of free publicity.
Plus, as an added bonus, his supporters will point to this confusion - which they and their leader caused - as a reason to vote out the other side in the March Town Committee elections. Who's better than them, Baby?

So you see, all of this had nothing to do with John Picard's "family values"; this was a coldly calculated political ploy. West Haven - and the Democrats - were (and are) being played as suckers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Picard to Dems: DROP DEAD!

Mayor Picard's recent "I was out, but NOW I'm in" act has made West Haven's Democrats the laughingstock of the state...and in places around the country.

There have been many people who have reason to question Picard's sanity...or at the least his commitment to solving the many problems facing West Haven.

But it seems that the motivation for these seemingly bizarre actions have sprung from a different source: politics.

You see, it's clear to everyone that the political marriage between the Picard group and the Morrissey faction is deader than that of Kate & Jon (and the other eight). Picard's group picked off from Morrissey's side what he could; the rest wasn't worth the effort. So now, the Picard side is the dominant faction within the WH Democratic Party, with Morrissey's a close second (and the Borer's a distant third).

But....there's still a bit of a problem for Picard. The Morrissey faction controls the leadership of the West Haven Democratic Town Committee; and the newly allied Morrissey and Borer (Democrats) have nearly equal the power on the City Council. What to do....what to do.

More on this to come.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, it's August in an odd-numbered year. As sure as the sun rises in the East, as sure as either the Red Sox or the Yankees will be on top in the AL East (and as sure as the other will be right behind), so West Haven Democrats are fighting and pulling petitions to get on the primary ballot. By my count, there are at least 8 different petitions circulating for a September 15th primary. In addition, there's another 4 petitions to get on the November ballot.

It's almost getting to the point where we need Jimmy Carter to negotiate a peace agreement...though I doubt Mother Theresa could pull that off here.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Word is that Nancy Rossi has enough names to get onto the November. Whether or not she has enough to force a September 15th primary is unknown.

The interesting thing about this is that she has
not hung her hat on the "safety" of A Better Future Party. Nancy seems to want to chart her own path; but it remains to be seen whether West Haven is ready for that much independence (or for that matter, if the VERY political City Council could deal with such a free spirit.)

ABF will do after this latest blow-off will make for some interesting future posts....keep watching!