Monday, August 24, 2009

We don't need no stinkin' Laws!

These signs are popping up like weeds all over town.

So what's the big deal, right? Well, two little things:
  • John Picard is not on the September 15th ballot. The law says that these signs cannot be up more than 30 days before the election. Also...
  • The law also requires that all campaign literature - including signs - have a statement saying who paid for them. These don't. (UPDATE - My bad...after researching the law, lawn signs are apparently exempt from the "paid for by" provisions)
This isn't the first time these tricks were tried by this group...and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm betting on an "important announcement" by someone touting the Mayor just before the primary.

UPDATE: A series of complaints have allegedly been lodged about the placement of these signs...more on this to come.....


Anonymous said...

Some of these signs are on council member & Dem. Town Commitee members lawns ,,

There should be fines levied agsainst the JP09 campain and all that are involved with signs up ...

West Haven Bob said...

One problem is that we don't know which committee - JP-09 or "Team Picard" - paid for them or put them up.

All we do know is they're illegal.

Anonymous said...

Illegal yes ,, And there even on the Mayor's lawn...
I guess we will see what becomes of it

Anonymous said...

This is another example of the disregard this administration has for the law. Everytime they want to do something they just do it and the hell with what the law says. It is time to make them answer for disobeying the law. Fine them now and vote them out in November!!!!!!!!!

West Haven Bob said...

I hate being the "voice of reason" here - it's not my natural state - but let's be practical here:

1) The SEEC has to fine these fools. It'll take (out of experience) about 8 months for this commission to even HEAR the case (thanks for pulling the funding, Jodie Rell);

2) The average voter doesn't give the square end of a rat's patootie about them breaking what's (to the voters) a "little" law.

They have to be brought before justice, I agree...but don't think this matters in the election. It doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I will not be able to sleep until Stevie "D" signs are up. Then all will be right with the world.

West Haven Bob said...

Ya gotta wonder why he hasn't put the signs up's not like HE worries about the law either!