Thursday, December 24, 2009

And more questions...

A continuation from "Answers...and more Questions"

(As soon as I can, I'll get the video from this meeting posted.)

Anyhow, continuing on...

Here are the many questions still left those which arose from the information we got:
  • WHAT is the financial state of the City? There seems to be, shall we say, a difference of opinion on the legality of this transfer, but we should really be looking at why it was necessary in the first place. Why, five months into the fiscal year, is the City in such an "unexpected" bind? Surely "paying bills" can't be the whole story: such expenditures can be predicted, and should have been included in the budget.
  • Are we looking at YET ANOTHER tax increase? Seven months ago, as he was submitting this years' budget, Mayor Picard made the following statement:
"I want to say that the long-term finances of the City of West Haven are improving drastically..."

(you can see the entire video here.) Don't say I didn't predict this mess!

New questions include:
  • Where are "the bodies buried", and whose bodies are they? In his comments last night, Tim Wrightington asserted that John Picard kept the Assistant Corporation Counsel on: because (to quote Tim) "Henry knows where the bodies are buried". Assuming John Picard wasn't concerned with protecting the legacy of his predecessor, it might be assumed that these skeletons belong to the Mayor. What is it, if anything, you don't want the Public to know?
  • Who is watching out for the taxpayers? It seems Barron is doing things without any oversight: possibly with the Mayor's OK, but certainly without telling us the taxpayers what he's doing, or why. Even if I disagreed with what he's doing (and I usually do), I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I understood the why. Of course, I'd still make my snarky comments here...but the interests of the taxpayers must always take precedence over personal political interests.
  • Where is the City Council? The legislative branch is supposed to be the people's watchdog against abuses from the executive...and the courts adjudicate (make a ruling) when these two can't agree on major issues. It is well-settled law that the legislative branch (the City Council) has subpoena power over members of the executive branch (for you legal wonks, read Sirica v Nixon...remember that little fiasco?) Unless the new council grows some cojones, it will end up as yet another lap-dog of the powers-that-be...and the last primary should give you an idea where the voters stand on that. Do your job...or we'll find someone else who will.
Until we the Public get straight-talk answers from our elected officials on these questions, we should assume we're being taken for a ride once again...and WE will have to pay the costs.

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