Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The end of a LOOOONG Primary

   The eternal (or is that infernal?) primary is finally in the on the image above to enlarge.

   The bottom line is that no major changes occurred; any candidate who was a winner on March 2nd is still the electee.
  I'll post soon as I catch my breath.  In the meantime, I'll email the results (above) to any and all who ask.


Anonymous said...

Where did all the comments go ?

West Haven Bob said...

No one seemed to have anything bright to say, all of a sudden.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I was still waiting for your response.

You know the one where you tried to tell me and others you were away because you didn't want to make any posts until the recount was over.

Then you claimed you didn't make any posts on your blog during the recount in September ( when your boys won) but I posted this link with you making a post the day after the primary WHILE A RECOUNT WAS STILL IN PROGRESS gloating in victory, lol