Monday, May 25, 2009

Lest We Forget

They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun.
And in the morning
We shall remember them.

-- Laurence Binyon

As we gather together to have a barbeque, or otherwise enjoy this day off, we must keep in mind the basic reason why this day was set aside as a national holiday.

It would be fitting if each of us took a minute away from chomping on burgers to remember those who sleep for all eternity far from their homes - who gave everything so that we who live in this great country retain the right to think and say and do as we wish...even as we disagree with those who hold different views and beliefs than do we.

We must use this day to remember that dissent is not disloyalty; that in their sacrifice these heroes gave us a truly awesome responsibility to ultimately govern ourselves. We delegate some of this duty by necessity to our elected officials, but the final blame for various public problems rests on our shoulders alone...until our children take up this burden.

We will honor them best by our active participation in all aspects of our own governance.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Going, Going....

According to several informed sources, another West Haven landmark will soon be just a memory.

The developer who recently purchased the "Silver's Building" on the corner of Main & Campbell plans to tear the historic building down...presumably to put up a featureless box in its place.

This building is probably the oldest commercial building in town, dating back to the 1800's. I remember going through the revolving door in front...the soda fountain in back...and getting the first set (of many) of crutches.

And so it goes....

Friday, May 15, 2009

Through the Looking Glass We Go

Sometimes, ya gotta wonder which side is real regarding West Haven's finances.

Our Great Leader has told us things are getting better. The state tell us things are getting worse.

In March, our Great Leader told the Municipal Finance Advisory Commission (MFAC) to go to hell. (Headline from our Great Leader's mini-me: "Mayor Fires MFAC")

NEWS FLASH!!! This just in! The state isn't just going to go away. Having had to bail us out once (in 1991), the state seems just a bit more skeptical about politicians making pronouncements like

"Things are just great - trust me!"

Trusting crap statements like this got us into a mess once before...and the state paid through the nose to get us out of the mess we got ourselves into. Bottom line is, the state isn't buying this bull any more..."once burned, twice shy".

No, the state will continue to watch us like a hawk...and won't swallow the bull we're given from the administration...even if we will.

So here's the truth: MFAC will eventually ask the state to take over West Haven's finances. Whether or not that happens will depend on politics.

You work out the rest.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lowering the Crap Level

How do you make a sewage plant more appealing? Just ask City Councilman Nick Pascale (D-1) -- he apparently really knows all about this subject.

Pascale recently suggested that the City put a mural in front of the sewage treatment plant (otherwise known as the "John Picard Promises Memorial"). Pascale's interested in "making the plant look better".

WPC Commissioner Bill Norton responded (while apparently keeping a straight face) the the cost of maintaining such a mural might be prohibitive.

Maybe Norton is's likely such a mural would be, um, "self-sustained" by our City's many local artists (supported by the many New Haven artists). Here's an a prediction, Nick:

It's also reassuring to hear that "low-flush toilets" will be installed at the plant. Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle....

In a more serious vein, lost in this discussion is the fact that our sewer use fees might go up as much as $100.00 for repairs needed at the plant. Hmmmm.......

Ya gotta admit, this town really needs to get it's, um, sewage together.