Thursday, October 29, 2009

And the Answer IS....

I have my predictions for the upcoming election...and I'll post them this weekend...along with the reasoning behind these predictions.

In case you're wondering..and I'm pretty sure you don't care: I've been totally consumed trying to make sure this upcoming election is the most honest our berg has seen in years. It's several full-time wonder why Chuckles never bothered to do this (though I suppose he had other reasons).

Another question: WHY is (the Robber) Barron so exercised about a $240.00 bill I submitted (for the costs of the recount and subsequent lawsuit)? Is this why we're paying him better than two bucks a minute? It seems the amount of time he's spending on this would pay this bill...and he could spend our precious tax dollars checking into the hundreds of thousands given to particular others who are friendlier to the Mayor. Or maybe he should use that money to take Charm School lessons....Hmmmm?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Curiouser & Curiouser...

I received a curious fund-raising appeal from Steve Mullins. This is a bit strange, but not simply because I'm a registered Democrat (and a liberal, at that!). No, the real reason I find it curious is his campaign message.

You see, Mullins' method of appeal is to mail a Stop & Shop tea bag, along with an invitation to give him money, apparently, so that I might hold a "tea party" when and where I wanted.

I hate tea.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The (not-so) Amazing Race

Am I the only one who's noticed the utter lack of campaign issues being discussed for the upcoming election? The total failure by any candidate to even try to fire up the voters? I've sat through organic chemistry lectures (at 7 am!) that were more exciting than this race.

OK, I get why the Democrats don't feel the need to ramp things up. An apathetic electorate tends to favor the incumbents...and the Dem's have all the marbles in this game.

But as far as the other candidates....WHERE are the issues that push the voters' buttons? WHAT policies set you apart from the incumbents? In short...


I get the impression that many of these candidates are just going through the motions; they are running, not to win, but solely for the sake of running. Be forewarned: the citizens (as I've said) are angry - though I admit I'm not sure at whom they're angry, or about what they're angry - but this doesn't automatically make them go to the polls. YOU have to provide that extra impetus...and also give them a reason to vote for YOU.


Only then will you have any shot at defeating the incumbent. If you have no differences with the current administration, you have no valid reason for your challenge.

Maybe, we'll get the outline of these platforms and positions when the Mayoral candidates debate next Tuesday (October 20), at Notre Dame High School. The debate begins at 7:15 pm, and I'll post the "highlights" (if any).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Military Exercises This Weekend!

Just as a heads-up, over the next three days (through Sunday), there will be an ongoing military exercise on the East Coast, involving B-52's being "attacked" by F-15 fighters.

UPDATE: More details about this exercise can be read here.

UPDATE #2: I'm told that the B-52 is now titled the Stratofortress; and that my name Superfortress is outdated (though a quick scan through Jane's seems to indicate otherwise). Ah well...I guess I'm showing my age....if the hair wasn't a clue

The B-52 can be mistaken for a commercial jet (especially if you've never seen one before); and some of the other "target" aircraft could be mistaken for private jets, but there's no mistaking the F-15 for what it is.

Homeland Security put out the following:

This morning, DEMHS announced that the military (NORAD) will be conducting an air exercise (Operation Falcon Dart) along the New England coast over the next three days. The exercise involves B-52's and other military aircraft being tracked and intercepted by F-15 fighter jets. This information is being disseminated to alert the public to the exercise and that they may observe or hear low flying military aircraft. A similar exercise caused some concern and panic in the North Haven / Wallingford area a couple of months ago.

Pictures of the named military aircraft are posted above. Of course, with the weather as forecast, nothing might be seen, though a lot of noise might come through the clouds.

Also, I certainly hope they have the good sense not to perform this exercise anywhere near NYC (particularly, Yankee Stadium) Friday or Saturday night! Might cause a bit of a ruckus...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Curious Case of Alan Olenick

Once again, we go on the political merry-go-round...

In Saturday's Register, it was reported that Thom Reilly, the head of the union representing Alan Olenick, wants his suspension lifted.

The "story behind the story", however, has so many twists, turns and can confuse even the most savvy of political watchers.

You see, Thom Reilly is not just Alan's union steward: he's also the father of John Picard's wife...and was the treasurer of one of the re-election PAC's belonging to our "proven financial manager".

I applaud Mr. Reilly for doing the right thing for one of his union members...but the smell of a conflict of interest seems to waft in the air on this whole thing. I hope that Mr. Reilly isn't just giving this issue "lip service", to cover his...well, you know what I'm thinking.

To make my point easier to understand, here's a "simple" schematic showing the inter-relationships which should absolutely scream "CONFLICTED!!!" to anyone who can understand the in-breeding that has taken place in our City government since the beginning of the Picard regime...please, for the love of God, don't ask me to to the same for the Board of Education ...I don't have that many lines (and cross-lines) to draw: the BOE ain't a family tree of nepotism, it's a family WEED (growing back on itself):

(Click on the image below to view it properly)

After seeing this, can anyone still have a question why West Haven voters think their elected officials are just a swarm of pigs at the tax dollar feed bin??! And, am I the only one who has noticed that Alan ends up the target of all these interests? It's a wonder he survived this long, given this political landscape.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

They're BAACK!

These signs are showing up - again - around the town. These are the recycled signs from the failed primary bid.

For those who follow these things, the surprising issue is where they're not showing up...

Maybe, just for the Tearful One just doesn't seem to be quite as strong this time around...maybe, just maybe, the voters are talking back this time.

We'll see...I think that the support for a non-Borer candidate hasn't gotten the Kool-Aid supporters from "A Better Future" as it should (since it seems to oppose all things Picard). But, I believe that the voters have a message to send to the politicians...and maybe Mr. Mullins or Ms. Rossi might end up the beneficiary of that message...

I guess we'll see, hmmmmm?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sifting Through the Clues: An Analysis

A long time ago...well, ok, this ain't exactly "Star Wars", but it's close...

Back in January, it was clear to anyone watching the political landscape that this election was John Picard's to lose.

The Republicans? Fuggedaboudit! They have less than 10% of the voters in this berg...and even getting all the unaffiliated voters would only get them to 40%.

A Better Future? Fuggedaboudit! This is nothing more than the die-hard Borer supporters, spurned twice by the voters.

(And Fuggedaboud the "Reform Party": their best gambit is to cross-endorse the Democratic Machine's candidates!)

Well...the September primary changed the calculus. The so-called "Picard Team" got a resounding dope-slap given by the voters: this should have been a wake-up call to all the powers that be (or wannabe).

In short, the message sent by the voters was:

We're as mad as HELL, and we're NOT taking any more of these games!

This is a message that should be learned by all sides in this election... but whether whichever party is victorious in November learns this lesson will determine how long they rule...

To be continued....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's when they STOP talking about you...

(click on the image to read the BILE)

Ain't it great to be

Apparently, at least by the
comments posted on the New Haven Register's article about the recent court case (listed at the left), I am: (A) an insufferable drunk; (B) a dishonest businessperson; and (C) a partial partisan, who will tilt elections.

It's a sad state of affairs when people opposed to your viewpoint use character assassination against their opponents, instead of using their plans, or arguments against those opposing them. It's even sadder to hear the deafening silence from the top, who properly should be deploring these extreme viewpoints. But this is West Haven - who cares about proper? I do.

But why am I surprised? This is happening on a national scale. This happens whenever one side or the other recognizes a dangerous (to them) opponent. Better to attack the messenger...we can't argue the message.

It shows the lack of ideas guiding this side.

It also shows the lack of civility and common decency which pervades politics today...and politico's wonder why regular folks have such a low opinion of their elected leaders?!!!!!

Based on what I've seen so far...and based upon my experience in politics, I can say that:

SOMETHING is really bugging the voters...and - come November 3rd - something's a-gonna change....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sweepin' UP

The news today couldn't be better.

First, we went to court over the recount lawsuit...and our case was strong enough to get the plaintiffs to withdraw.

So the upshot is that we can get on with preparing for the November 3rd election, Steve Wydra is the Democratic nominee, and we the taxpayers are out a few thousand tax dollars for no good reason.

On to the second of today's filtered out that Alan Olenick was not fired at his administrative hearing today. Read about Alan's saga here and here (and get a sampling of der Barron in action here).

So it seems that the third floor hasn't seen too much in the way of successes in the past month (and make no mistake about it - the Tearful One was behind this lawsuit and the Great One's SEEC complaint as well.)

Wonder if we made him cry?

Friday, October 2, 2009

If he's like this in public....

I'd planned to take some time off -- and I will -- but this was just too much to sit on.

Here's a video of Bob (da Robber) Barron discussing the proposed Police buyout option, under question from Councilman John Coppola (ABF - At Large). The crap hits the fan at about one minute in:

Now, it's a fact that Bob Barron takes $2.17 every minute from our tax dollars...ya'd think he'd be a little grateful to the Council, which gave him that haul, eh?

Also...he says here that he has "a whole presentation" to give about his salary? Did he make that up on City time?

My whole point is: if Barron talks and acts like this to our elected officials in public, how does he act behind closed doors in City Hall (where Alan Olenick allegedly called him a liar)?

If he's so sensitive about his salary, maybe he's just a leetle bit too touchy when someone tells him other pieces of the truth...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We'll be Right Back...

Between the demands put upon me from the the lawsuit regarding the recount...and those caused by an illness in my family, West Haven Bob needs to take some time off.

Look for my next post on Friday weekaday'll be a blockbuster!

(For those of you who can't figure out whaddahell "Friday weekaday" means: it means a week from Friday - October 9th)