Friday, February 5, 2010

Now, About Those Finances...

First, we had the state Municipal Finance Advisory Council tell us that West Haven's financial plans were risking our financial ruin...and the Mayor told them to drop dead, that everything was just peachy. Of course, he was running for re-election, then.

Then, just after his re-election, we found out he raided the Police Pension Fund in order to make the City's December payroll. Supposedly, we came within 48 hours of a default on our obligations. But, we were assured by Da Robba that all would be OK once January's tax revenues came a-streamin' in.

This week, the state-mandated Audit revealed that our credit rating has sunk to the lowest possible...meaning that we couldn't borrow our way out of this mess even if we wanted to.

Today, the Register is reporting that we are "one or two snowstorms away from bankruptcy." And, by the way, it's supposed to snow today and Wednesday.

I guess the new plan is to pray for Global


Anonymous said...

I gotta good idea let's elect all the people Picard wants on the DTC so we can perpetuate the fraud.

West Haven Bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
West Haven Bob said...

I suspect the gravy train has already left the station, and (to switch metaphors) is bearing down on the iceberg.

Maybe we should use this upcoming primary to ask all candidates their thoughts on nominating fiscally-prudent candidates.

We must start somewhere; and the Town Committees are ground zero.

Anonymous said...

Picards idea of eliminating the police pension is the best money saving idea any mayo has had the guts to put through ( or try to put through) thta I EVER remember.

How about giving him some credit for standing up to the police union when it will obviosly cost him votes ?

All I ever hear is how bad he is, why not give him some credit ONCE IN A WHILE ?

West Haven Bob said...

Actually, I agree. I don't think Picard is evil; I think he's trying his best. But, I disagree vehemently with his methods.

I agree that his pension proposal is a gutsy move, and may in fact be necessary. He should go further, though...he should find some way to cut all salaries of full-time elected and hired personnel; and the issue of benefits must be put onto the cutting table as well.

However, in the end, I applaud his initiative.

Anonymous said...

Well he has to start somewhere. Taking on (and defeating) the police union will put the teachers union in line as well as the other city unions.

You fight one battle at a time, he is only one person.

Since this is your blog you should have given him credit before I called you on it.

West Haven Bob said...

I'd like to point out that he's had four plus years to "start". During that time, there's been a new police contract, a new municipal employees contract, and a new teachers contract.

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm of the opinion that you play all four quarters, not just the last ten minutes.

West Haven Bob said...

Hey me, when you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Unless "NIck" made this post

"I gotta good idea let's elect all the people Picard wants on the DTC so we can perpetuate the fraud."

You need to get a better system for identifying bloggers because I made every other post and I'm not "NICK"

West Haven Bob said...

You forget two important things:

1) The fact that Sitemeter tells me who was on and when (and with that I can correlate the timing of the comments); and

2) The conversation we had in front of City Hall on 9/15, about this matter.

Unless there's someone ELSE using the Mayo net, I feel safe in my assumptions.

Plus, there's not many out there showing as much intelligence in writing and in thought as you: even if we disagree, I'd rather have an intelligent debate.

Any rate, Nick or not Nick...get my email from your uncle John (or is that "not your uncle John?)

You just might be pleasantly surprised....

Anonymous said...

How about we make a little wager on this , say $100 ( or any amount you want)that I'm not the person you think I am or affiliated in any way with WH politics except I'm a long time friend of JP.

It's funny becasue your sitemeter gave you some info, you just interpreted it wrong

Anonymous said...

So are you taking me up on the bet ?

I could use $100 next time I'm in WH< lol

West Haven Bob said...

I'm thinkin' 'bout it...

I'm thinkin' you learned 'bout my winning the City Hall Super Bowl pool.

But I'm also working on my next post.

If you dare, email me & I'll send you my proof. Then we'll talk bets.

Anonymous said...

I'll email you anytime you want as long as the bet is made first

I GUARANTEE we have never even met.

It's a really STUPID bet on your part, TRUST ME.

You do realize I'm posting from outside the state of CT, correct ?

Anonymous said...

So is the check in the mail, lol

West Haven Bob said...

Somehow, I Don't Think So...

I already told you my reasons for guessing your identity. You didn't seem to want to discuss those reasons...and I've spent enough time on this. Keep your illusions.

If you think you're diverting my attention from helping the opposition slates, you're doubly wrong: you're not appropriating my time, and I'm not helping your opposition. What little assistance they get off me is what I'd freely give to all sides, as an election official.

I'd freely give this same assistance to your allies, but they'd commit suicide before they'd ask it of me.

Anonymous said...

This is Hillarious !

I sent you an email yesterday !

You Have a very Interesting BlogMonday, February 8, 2010 10:48 PM
From:>View contact detailsTo:

West Haven Bob said...


You wuz right, I wuz wrong!

In my defense, I was told by Nick that he was using that net.

Serves me right for trusting any West Haven politician!

Anonymous said...

Funny but I have no idea how "Nick" could get on a private network.

So about that bet, lol

Even though I'm close friends with JP something needs to change in WH and the answer isn't Borer, Morrisey or Picard