Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The DTC Ballot

Word from the Registrar's office is that the above are the ballots for March 2, 2010.


Anonymous said...

Artie Gilbert making a comeback . Want to bet he runs for Tax collector again in 2011 on Picard's slate now that it's paid job ?

West Haven Bob said...

No, I don't think I'd take you up on that one.

Art's a strange case, if ever there was one. He chose to run on the challenging slate in 2003, and lost in the primary. Then afterwards, he started complaining about being "betrayed".

So I've given up trying to figure him out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob THE TRUTH wont let anyone comment. What's up with that?

West Haven Bob said...

Apparently, The Truth doesn't want to hear The truth.

Also, it seems that The Truth can't spell.

Anonymous said...

Why Art sided with Morrisey in 2003 ( I believe) I have no idea. Anyone could have figured out there was a good chance Picard/Morrisey would split the vote and Borer would win.

Same thing goes for any change with the current regime. You can only have one candidate run against Picard as 2 or more will split votes

West Haven Bob said...

Even more curious is the fact that Art has made a second cut: this one from Morrissey to Picard.

And so it goes...there's been 3 factions since the days of Bob & Freddie Johnson, with Harold Allen holding the swing.

Anonymous said...

Well if Art runs for tax collector ( and I believe he will) in 2011 he not only wins but brings votes to his slate.

I imagine with Withington being Morrisseys boy he couldn't let Art run on against him.

West Haven Bob said...

I think his chances in 2011 now depend on how well he does next month. If he wins, or at least if he leads his ticket, he'd have a far better chance. If he loses, well...

Art is a fairly popular guy; and he's been very active (in both politics and civic affairs) over the years. But it's hard to shed the "loser" reputation, once it's obtained.

In any event, I believe you're right in this at least: he's gonna run.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Art actually get more votes for tax collector in the Primary that the guy who ran on Borer's ticket ?

Art vs Withington would not even be close. Win in or lose in this primary if Art wants to run on the Picard ticket for tax collector ( or whatever they call it today) I can't see them not granting his wish with very open arms.

West Haven Bob said...

No...I believe that Chris Valente - the eventual winner - ran with Borer

Anonymous said...

Valente ran with Borer in the primary adn on election day but I think Art received more votes for tax Collector during the primary under Morriseys ticket than Chris did.

I know I voted for Picard on every line exceot for tax collector where I voted for Art

West Haven Bob said...

I'll double-check those numbers later tonight, but I think you're a little off.

West Haven Bob said...

In the Democratic Party:

Gilbert (Line A-Morrissey): 2,550
Esposito (Line B-Picard): 2,036
Valente (Line C-Borer): 2,816

So...Art came in second to Valente.

Anonymous said...

How many Votes did Morrissey get

West Haven Bob said...

Morrissey also came in 2nd: 2,483 to Borer's 3,292. Picard had 2,282.

Anonymous said...

So Art got 67 more votes than Morrisey but Valente got 476 less votes than Borer. Interesting