Sunday, January 18, 2009

West Haven's Gang of Five


Once again, only in West Haven....

Despite clear-cut state law, despite the City Charter, despite the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, five City Council members decided to put politics over principles. Our Gang of Five decided to put the City at risk of spending thousands of our tax dollars to defend a certainly lost cause.


Because (a) they don't believe A Better Future is a legitimate political party, and/or (b) they don't like the candidate chosen by A Better Future to replace Mr. Coppola.

I'll try to keep this simple, because these five are fools.

  1. A Better Future is a legitimate party, recognized by the Secretary of State. If these people had problems on this point, they should have raised them before Coppola (and Mr. Ronan - ABF-9) were seated. This was tried in 2006, and failed. Their viewpoint seems to be "This may be the law, but I disagree with it; so I'll break the law." This is utter idiocy, worthy of George W. Bush.
  2. I cannot say I'm a fan of Mr. Coscia; I can't even say he's the best choice for the Council. But he's the only legal choice, and must be appointed.

The five Council members can either make the law, or they can break the law; they cannot do both. And law-breakers have no legitimate place on the Council.

Our hometown's "Foolish Five" are:
  • Christopher Suggs (D-5)
  • Gail Burns (D-10)
  • Gail Carroll (D-3)
  • Nick Pascale (D-1)
  • Steve DeCrescenzo (D-At Large)

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