Monday, March 29, 2010

Dancin' In The Park(ing Lot?)

I'd like to apologize to (both) my regular readers for my long silence; but an unexpected personal emergency prevented me from posting.  And so much has been going on during my exile...let's start from the most recent.

Just as we're getting ready to welcome the good weather again...just as we're looking forward to outdoor activities...

The Register reported this weekend that the city is trying to shut down the volunteer-run dance sessions held on "Captain Tony's Deck" on the boardwalk.

To hear the city tell it, it's not trying to shut this popular activity down; it's only concerned about the potential liability should someone get hurt while doin' the "Electric Slide" (or maybe the "Chicken Dance").  They'd prefer these sessions be performed next to the bathrooms (doesn't that sound like FUN?) on the concrete.

Certainly, West Haven shouldn't allow any activity on City-owned property that could be injurious in any way, right?  There certainly isn't any other place designed in such a way that people could get hurt, right? Oh.....wait a minute: 

My point is:  this is a very popular part of our summer experience, and brings in people from surrounding towns - many of which also spend money in West Haven.  Whatever is done to limit the city's liability at the skatepark  could certainly be adapted for the far safer activity of dancing on the Deck. 

Or is safety and liability the city's REAL issue?  Could it be that they have (gasp!) political motives? (Cue scary music!)

You see, within hours of trouncing the Morrissey faction in the recent DTC primary, the city notified the popular live band "Flash Back" that they wouldn't be part of the summer concert series.  "Flash Back", if you don't know, has a musician with THAT LAST NAME (the name that Must Not Be Spoken).  Similarly, one of the most popular volunteer DJ's (HINT: not one of the guys) is seen by the administration as being, um, "NAFOTAD" (Not A Friend Of The Administration, Dear).

I almost hesitate to ascribe petty politics to our highly-esteemed political leaders; they are of course women and men of the highest ethical standards (I'll leave it to someone else to determine which are men and which get the point).

Maybe we should print out and take the image below to the P & R meeting at City Hall on March April 5th: 


Anonymous said...

Yes I'm sure as soon as Picard won his first order of business was to get rid of the VOLUNTEER DJ , lol

Oh and how will we get even, we'll make the seniors dance on a safer part of the boardwalk with no boards for heels to get caught in, lol

Man that Picard sure is one sly FOX !

The skatepark has a very high liabilty insurance policy, don't you even READ THE BUDGETS you complain about ?

I suggest you stop thinking EVERYTHING is done with a motive in WH.

West Haven Bob said...

Apparently, what you REALLY want is for me to stop THINKING...period.

That way I'd agree with you.

Anonymous said...

While I can appreciate that you had an emergency that kept you from posting (and I enjoy reading your blog), the first thing you post concerns DANCING ON THE BOARDWALK?? I was hoping to read some insight from you regarding the closing of two schools, the layoffs of 54 teachers and the proposed busing of our children all over West Haven. As a parent, I am deeply opposed to these cuts and proposals offered as "the only option" from our esteemed BOE. Shouldn't the proposals before us be the LAST things to consider? I am tired of the backroom politics that take place here and I am seriously considering leaving West Haven.

Any insight you can offer on the subject is greatly appreciated.

West Haven Bob said...

The schools are next up...check back later today!

Anonymous said...

Oh you can keep thinking. Reading this blog gives me a good laugh as to how you come up with this stuff.

Now let me guess your going to blame Picard for the school budget but you would also blame him if he raised taxes and didnt close the schools.

Anonymous said...

Please note that the date of the Park Rec meeting is April 5, not March. Unless I missed it.

West Haven Bob said...

You're right...I mistyped. The meeting is APRIL 5TH!