Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Well, Well...Lookie HERE!

Well, I'll be the first to admit it when I'm wrong.

You might recall that back in September (just before Team Picard last got its head handed back to it on a platter), I reported that West Haven Bob was blocked from all City computers. Well...as it turns out, not all computers got blocked (though I am blocked from most machines). Oops...my bad!

Now, using my nearly 30 years' experience in this area, I can definitively state that there are two - and only two - possibilities here:
  • The company that instituted the block (at Mayor Picard's behest) screwed things up, or:
  • Somebody arranged to get themselves exempted from the block.
The company that put the block in was owned by a family member of our Human Resources Director (seems like I heard that song played in West Haven before!), and was paid beaucoup buckaroos by the taxpayers for their work. Hmmmmm?

On the other hand, I can name only two persons who have the horsepower to demand an exemption...and they work across the hall from each other on the Third Floor. Hmmmmm?!?!

So...who do YOU think it is? The Tearful Tiger or Der Barron?

This sort of game is my major problem with the gang who infest the upper floors of the City Hall. They have no objection to the blatantly fawning "West Haven (urp) VOICE" being delivered into the vestibules of the building (or do they think City employees read this on their own time?)

The Picard forces have shown time and again (as I have shown on this blog) that their main motto is:

"The laws and the rules only apply to the little people; not to us!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Two Bite the Dust

And the games go on....

Just when I thought that this might just be a straightforward election, news came in that two challenging candidates in the Fifth District have dropped out from the upcoming DTC primary.

Now, at first glance, this isn't that unusual: candidates drop out for all sorts of (good or bad) reasons all the time. But, in this case...

You see, it's been said that Ms. Martha Bell - the "Paula Deen" of the Dirty Tricks cookbook - applied pressure to the families of the candidates. Martha, of course, is running on the endorsed slate...and by doing so, induced them to quit.

Now, on the one hand, if these candidates were so susceptible to such pressure, maybe they weren't the best choices. Certainly, a better vetting job could have been done...and maybe a little preparation beforehand would have prevented this issue from coming to a boil.

However, I've heard that Mme. Bell's spiel was that these candidates were "running with Rich Borer"; and that the aforementioned Mr. Borer was the reason why West Haven's taxes were going to rise. (Never mind that Borer's been out of office since 2005; and fuggedabout the, ahem, "minor" tax increase by the current administration supposedly to address these financial issues).

It just seems to me that going after the family of a candidate is way out of bounds. If it is true - and I believe it is - then this is just another job out of the Democrat's Dirty Tricks Department...and the voters should take notice.

We are "ALL ALONE"?

Well, not here in West Haven. We live our lives almost on top of our neighbors...but it is true that we don't know them. Their habits can drive us crazy...and little issues can get magnified.

It wasn't always like this...people once had the time to get to know the people who lived near them. And by becoming familiar, they then became neighbors...and thus a neighborhood was created.

We don't have the time anymore...or do we?

I propose that we take one evening - the first good night in July comes to mind - to take the barbeque out to the curb, or to make up a "pot-luck" dish to bring to the curb. And then everyone can meet each other and take the time (over food) to get to know each other.

It won't solve all our problems...but can't it prevent just a few neighborhood squabbles? And wouldn't it make all our lives here better?

I plan on doing this for my area. Email me if you want to participate, or to make a similar plan for your area. This is the time to plan for July!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Political Tango (as seen from the CHEAP SEATS)

A few, er, "fair and balanced" observations on the upcoming DTC primary (though few would accuse me of being fair; and everyone seems to agree that I'm quite unbalanced):

This primary has the potential to radically change the political landscape of West Haven for the politicians; but at the same time, it's likely that - whichever side wins out - some things will remain the same for everyone else.

You see, for the past 20 years, the Democrats have owned the only political horse in town. Registered Democrats comprise more than 60% of all registered voters, while Republicans are now less than 10%. Therefore:

The Democratic candidates are usually the winning candidates, and the Democratic Town Committee (usually) selects these candidates.

This is what the primary is all about...to the leaders.

Neither side has shown any desire to change the way our government is run. Both sides seem to think this is all about power...and the ability to decide who gets what City job or contract. In other words, the power brokers in both factions want to have the municipal plums all to themselves; but neither seems to accept the fact that West Haven's plum tree is barren of fruit and is dying.

In other words, the gravy train hasn't left the station; the trip was canceled for lack of funds.

Nonetheless, each side will continue to try to control whatever patronage is left (since that is all they recognize as their power base). In that way, it's likely that little will change. They'll play the games of the past...ignoring the realities of the present. And we - the taxpayers - will pay the costs of these games in the (near) future.

What will change is the makeup of the opposition in the general election. It's likely that the farce called "A Better Future" will cease to be a viable opposition (since - if victorious - their main backers will have no further use for this charade); and the "Republicans" will again be the holders of the minority seats.

While I won't shed many tears for the demise of ABF, nonetheless, this would be a loss for the voters. The Republicans have relegated themselves into irrelevance; West Haven needs a true opposition party...if for no other reason than to keep honest those in power. And I don't see the West Haven GOP becoming anything more than a Greek Chorus in our political futures...meaning there will not be any real opposition. And thus there won't be real change; ergo, West Haven will continue to be sapped by the politico's who have nothing to fear.

Democrats have to come out and vote in this primary...but they must also put the candidates on notice that things are going to change. The game has changed: the leaders better change as well.

It is up to US - the voters - to DEMAND that they do what we want...or WE will have to live with what they do.

If you don't vote...your tax rate is your OWN DAMNED FAULT! Don't waste anyone's time complaining about it

It's time we start blaming ourselves for this mess, people: after all, we were the ones who voted these idiots in. I say this as one who did not vote for these idiots: no, I voted for different idiots.

My point is: until every citizen in West Haven raises enough Hell to make the politicians take notice, nothing will change. The friends (of those who are in power) will still get their jobs on our tax dollars...and those who got their jobs from the previous regime still get their "state nickel". Whatever happens, The taxpayers (me and you) will keep paying and paying MORE...unless we act NOW!

It's time for US to shut down this patronage merry-go-round...and the only time to start is now...unless we're willing to pay more later.

Act now...or shut up and take it. Otherwise, you're stuck with me continuing on with this blathering blog!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your (Freudian) Slip is Showing...

Wow...and these are his friends. Even his opponents don't call him that (at least in print).

Beyond this humorous (at least to my juvenile tastes) point, there's the more serious issue of BLATANT BOOSTERISM f
rom our little friend "The Truth". Apparently (to borrow shamelessly from Karl Rove), "I'm entitled to my truth, and they're entitled to The Truth". And they can keep "The Truth", as far as I'm concerned.

I make no secret of my biases; but at the very least, it has to be granted (even by my opponents) that I am the only blogger to have published the complete ballots for everyone to see. And on that point, I should make clear that those samples were simply my amateurish a
ttempt to mimic the ballot using Microsoft Excel; they were not the actual ballots.

Though, of course,who do I think I am? I'm trying to argue against:

And ain't it really curious that - even though "fair and balanced" - they don't want their identities known....Hmmmmm?

UPDATE: 6:45 pm 02/13/10: It's nice to know that "The Truth" is at least a small part of this blog...how else could one explain the correction shown below? Might it be that "The Truth" finally got "tiered" of my jokes about her (lack of) spelling ability?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The games have begun.

I have heard that the "litigious" branch of the Picard team have filed, according to my best counting, about eight Freedom of Information (FOI) requests upon the City Clerk and the Democratic Registrar.

Don't get me wrong: I've been a frequent user of the FOI laws upon the elected officials of our Fair City; and I've made complaints whenever those elected officials didn't comply with my requests within the FOI rules. FOI, I believe, is a powerful tool which can be used to keep those in power answerable to the people.

But, like any other powerful tool, FOI can also be misused powerfully. In this case, those making these FOI requests are apparently aiming to disrupt the election process. The information they seek could have been obtained at any other earlier time, but they chose now to make their requests. And so, the Clerk and the Registrar must take time - unnecessarily - from their electoral duties to: amass the data requested, to make copies of this information, and to ensure the information in the office fully complies with the request.

All of this work diverts their attention away from the necessary task of making sure this election is conducted fairly and legally. And all of these requests could have been made before the election was mandated. And those who made these FOI requests will scream the loudest (and will be first to levy a lawsuit, costing the City precious dollars), if anything goes the least bit awry.

Why, then, were these requests made when they were made? The only conclusion I can derive is that:

These people WANT this election to be flawed, so that they can get through a JUDGE
what they might not get through the PEOPLE.

I'll report the facts; you will be the judge of THE TRUTH.

Godspeed, Al!

West Haven has lost a good and loyal man.

Alexander Botte, the (semi-)retired Police Commissioner, has left us. Al was a true gentleman, and a firm believer in the positive side of West Haven...just as he truly saw all the positive aspects of life. There are only a few for whom I had greater respect and admiration.

I first met Al in the late 1960's, when I was a kid working for "Big Al" Zarnowski (back then, he was "Mr. Botte" to me...later, he told me to call him "Al"). Even though I was barely into Middle School, I remember he would take the time to discuss with me various issues of the day. He always forced me to think deeper into the issues (and showed me the value of seeing the other side's point of view). This philosophy served him well over the years.

All I can add to the above is, "farewell, good and true servant!" I'll miss you.

If you have memories of Al, please post them by clicking on the comments link (below the post time) below. I'll forward the best of these to his family.

(NOTE: I wish I could have found a better photograph of him!)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'd Like To Say...

Congratulations to the NFL Champion New Orleans Saints!

And, to the Colts: you have nothing to be ashamed of; in a hard-fought game, it all came down to one interception. Peyton is still, IMHO, one of the greatest to have ever played the game.

So: it's on to Spring Training and baseball! If you haven't yet decided that I'm annoying, just you wait until the Yankees CREAM the Red Sox!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Edgy, Cated Children

The latest issue that has roiled the political chatterers is the proposed move of the Board of Education's Administration from the current Glade Ogden Street location.

This whole thing started when someone proposed converting the former Police Department at City Hall into new digs for the Board. But this plan hit a $2,000,000 snag: the City doesn't have the estimated $4,000,000 to remodel the City Hall space; it only has about half. And when was the last time you can point to a City project that came in at or under its projected cost? Because of this underfunding, the City Council won't release the money already set aside...to prevent West Haven taxpayers from getting sucked into yet another contractor "money hole".

Now, the administration proposes to rent space at the Yale Campus (formerly the "Bayer Campus", formerly-formerly the "Miles Laboratories Campus"). They propose to take a two year lease: this term is based on the estimated time it will take to complete the City Hall renovations. And when was the last time you can point to a City project that was completed on or earlier than projected?

This grand scheme comes from a Superintendent who makes better than $150.00 per hour (in base pay...not including benefits and other, um, "perks") from the taxpayers...$168,000 per year. Not bad work, IF you can get it!

The bottom line here is that we're being set up for another monetary soaking...at a time that we're in possibly the worst financial shape since the state takeover 20 years ago. Time to watch out!

I'll have more to say on this matter...as soon as I finish reading all the info I received.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Now, About Those Finances...

First, we had the state Municipal Finance Advisory Council tell us that West Haven's financial plans were risking our financial ruin...and the Mayor told them to drop dead, that everything was just peachy. Of course, he was running for re-election, then.

Then, just after his re-election, we found out he raided the Police Pension Fund in order to make the City's December payroll. Supposedly, we came within 48 hours of a default on our obligations. But, we were assured by Da Robba that all would be OK once January's tax revenues came a-streamin' in.

This week, the state-mandated Audit revealed that our credit rating has sunk to the lowest possible...meaning that we couldn't borrow our way out of this mess even if we wanted to.

Today, the Register is reporting that we are "one or two snowstorms away from bankruptcy." And, by the way, it's supposed to snow today and Wednesday.

I guess the new plan is to pray for Global Warming....fast.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well...over a month late, West Haven's Audit is finally out...and the news ain't so great.

I'll have more to say on this once I've had a chance to read the latest piece of fiction...Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Helping the Hopeless

They say that "Justice is Blind". Well, apparently, "The Truth" is both deaf...and dumb.

Deaf, because our little friend won't allow comments. And as for "dumb", well, read the above.

Ya think someone should get a spell-checker?


The DTC Ballot

Word from the Registrar's office is that the above are the ballots for March 2, 2010.