Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From the Ministry of Propaganda...

The word came out today...West Haven Bob is blocked from all City-owned computers! I guess I pressed one too many buttons....

Of course, the West Haven Voice is not similarly blocked...probably because little Billy prefers pulling to pushing (when it comes to buttons, AND punches, that is!)
NEW UPDATE: Apparently, my blog is the only blog blocked...guess there'll be some fireworks over this!

This is actually a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, as (repeatedly) upheld by the Supreme Court. The right of any citizen to read any opinion is inviolate...and censoring some opinions while permitting other opinions...well, let's just say Stalin would approve.

Apparently, hearing a point of view (besides that spewed out by our benevolent overlords and parroted in the Voice) is a waste of time...but my opinion is:

UPDATE: I've been contacted by the media on this....more to come!


Anonymous said...

Bob, not sure if you are aware but Mr. Picard has a facebook page. Perhaps you should get on Facebook and Twitter. That would be awesome! Great site!

Anonymous said...

True ,Mr Picard has a Facebook page but as seen in the past his wife reads and writes the responses ,,

West Haven Bob said...

Plus...somehow, I wouldn't be accepted as a "friend"...

Anonymous said...

The people who censor others are the ones with the very small minds and this case prove that saying to be 100% correct. Remember come November and let's dump them out of office!!!!!!!!!!

West Haven Bob said...

It's odd that I posted the following just a few weeks ago:

"Those who screen the news - or who hide behind "anonymous" screen names - toss away 90% of the power of their opinions."


"...the obligation is to allow your fellow citizens their First Amendment rights: my right to speak my mind is not more important than yours. It is even more important to listen to what others have to say…even if they disagree with your point of view."

I guess I have more faith in free discussion that City leaders.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that you feel its a violation of your first amendment rights when no one is actually stopping you from posting your ideas. The fact is that freedom of speech only applies to public forum. Just because you have the right to say what you want does not mean that any organization needs to allow it onto their private network. Its the same concept that if you want to protest cigarettes at the manufacturers place of work. You can do so on public property, it doesn't mean they have to let you inside. Moreover, if people are upset that they can't get to your blog it only means that they aren't doing their jobs which is an insult to any taxpayers. I have an idea, perhaps instead of wasting company time griping about the people that write your paychecks you could do some work. Just a thought.

West Haven Bob said...

Please try to read the post carefully: I didn't say it was a violation of MY First amendment rights; it's simply a violation of the First Amendment rights of others.

This fact has been ruled upon already.

The network you're referring to isn't a private network: it's paid for by public monies.

Finally...if you bother to look, you'll find I publish all comments (as long as they conform to the rules listed on the comment pages)..even if I disagree with the viewpoint, or they disagree with mine.

West Haven Bob said...

The point is...I start the conversation; you can respond (to my post or the comments of others); the only rule I have is no profanity or vulgarity...and I'll decide if your post is too disrespectful to add to the dialog (hasn't happened yet)

Anonymous said...

First of all it would only be a violation of the first amendment right of others if the blocking was happening outside the city's private network. While I agree the network is paid for by the taxpayers that doesn't make it a public forum, nor should it be used for recreational purposes. The city's network is only for city business, and if it were my network I would shut down everything except what people absolutely needed to do their jobs. All too often company time is wasted on personal activities rather than doing what they are getting paid to do. People are more than welcome to view or post blogs all they want on their own time with their own resources, and I in fact applaud the gumption it takes to do so. However, do you really think that just because the public pays for something they should get unobstructed access to it. If so, should I be able to ask to borrow a patrol car to go get my groceries? I mean I helped pay for it right?

West Haven Bob said...

Your logic would hold...if all such uses were blocked, regardless of content. This is not the case, here...only my blog was blocked.

West Haven Bob said...

Apparently, my friend has no answer to that.

I have one more addition: I am NOT employed by the City of West Haven...I do contract work for time to time for the City (and usually, the City saves money, because I rarely bill them). I do this because (a) this is my business; and (b) its saves on my taxes. The few times I've charged the City is because the work required would take away from my "day job".

Your buddy already knows this...otherwise he'd have used it against me (always "shoot the messenger" if you can't shoot down the message.)

Anonymous said...

It seems to be ok when some of the former employees that were dumed out of office when we elected a new Registrar of voters use to go on line and research people's backgrounds on city time using city computers but someone who just wants to post a point of view is censored. It is these small minded jerks that have to go not the blog. Remember come Noverber and lets censor them out of office.