Friday, April 3, 2009

When Reality Bites Back

Last week, our "proven financial manager" touted his latest work of fiction:

Now, the other shoe has dropped: the other day, Superintendent of Schools Neil Cavallaro announced the Board of Ed will have to close Stiles School and the Blake Building to make this joke of a budget work.

So, in John Picard's universe -

  • "No Tax Increases" means a $40.00 increase in sewer use fees;
  • "No Cuts in Services" means closing one school and the administrative building.

If this makes sense to you, then you probably believe that those bonuses given to AIG execs were "retention payments". This bucket of bull is just another Wall Street juke and jive.

Of course, using the Bayer campus -- even temporarily -- will probably cut into our PILOT payments from the state. Details, details....

Maybe, just maybe, those 4% raises for City Hall bosses could be better used to help prop up our sadly lacking educational system. Yeah, right.

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