Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Picard to Olenick: You're OUTTA Here!

The Register is reporting that Alan Olenick, the City's Director of Technology and Information, will be fired soon. Why, you ask? Because he told the truth.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Alan was suspended for calling Bob (the Robber) Barron a "liar" in a private meeting with the Bobster. Of course, by suspending him, then talking about it to the press, the administration made certain that everyone learned that (Olenick said that) Barron is a liar.

It is clear that this death dance has been choreographed in advance, down to the last step. The head of Alan's employee union is our esteemed mayor's father-in-law; and the company appointed to run the system instead of Alan is owned by the nephew of the Human Resources Director. Not too much nepotism there (at least by West Haven standards!)

So Alan Olenick will be fired; and he will sue the City; and he will win that lawsuit (just as the former Assessor and her assistant, and the former Finance Director all won theirs). And Alan will get a huge settlement. That settlement, friends, will come out of our tax dollars.

In short, the Picard administration is basically telling us taxpayers - well, I'll just give it to you in a graphic:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the best city employees that city has had in decades and these dopes Picard and the Robber Baron want him out and they put in a family business of one of their people. This one is so blantent that neither can look at anybody with a straight face when talking about this case. Insted of them dumping Alan let's dupm them!!!!