Friday, December 11, 2009

Advice for AFD's Charter Commission:

The history of Charter creation (and for that matter, Charter reform) in West Haven is littered with the wrecks of rejects and disasters. I hope the Allingtown Fire Department's attempt to adopt a "Home Rule" charter doesn't meet a similar fate.

Many if not most of the past debacles were the direct result of Charter Commission members following the lead of political desires; the changes too often benefited the "powers-that-be" at the expense of the voters who must put final approval on the Commission's work. Or, the changes were seen by the voters in that way.

Here's some general suggestions and guidelines for the AFD Charter Commission:
  • KEEP TRANSPARENCY IN THE PROCESS! Make sure the voters are kept apprised of each and every step...hand out flyers if postage is an issue. If something is put in (or taken out), let the voters know...and explain the reasoning for the change.
  • A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF THE BUDGET PROCESS IS ESSENTIAL! The system currently used by all THREE(!) Fire Departments favor those who create a small clique of interested individuals (for example - and this isn't the only example - the Firefighters Union). It is a natural fact that each group will work for its own best interests; so by making the process as open and easy as possible, you'll get more interested persons...and the general interest will be better represented.
  • INCREASE THE LEVEL OF VOTER PARTICIPATION IN THE RUNNING OF THE DEPARTMENT! While it's not practical to oversee all aspects of the day-to-day operations, a Civilian Oversight Board - having term limits - can better inform the public of how their tax dollars are being spent, and what condition their Budget is in.
I'll admit these are vague suggestions, coming from someone who isn't even served by this Fire Department. I'll even accept that some aren't workable in practice...and that these three by no means address all issues the Commission must face.

But - especially by keeping the Charter process open and transparent - there's a good chance this proposed Charter won't go down in flames...and the Commission members won't end up with:


jimd said...

Off topic but who is this company selling properties on ebay

West Haven Bob said...

The seller is American Tax Funding, a nationwide corporation which specializes in buying municipal tax liens, foreclosing on the properties and then selling them at a profit.

Here in CT, ATF is run by Ed Marcus, the former state Democratic Party chairman. ATF got the contract to purchase the tax liens from West Haven shortly after John Picard first took office in 2005.