Wednesday, December 30, 2009

At least the Barn Door is Closed

Well...I guess the good news is that the $1.2 million bucks that got, er, uh, "borrowed" by the "Barron Boys" was put back yesterday, according to the New Haven Register. But the article still has some troubling info in it.
  • Why is the council "asking" these two (Barron and Picard) to attend the January 6th meeting? It must be obvious by now that they do not want to answer any questions regarding the legality of the money grab, or for that matter, give us any answers to:
  • Why was it necessary to take back the money to pay December bills? For 48 years, our City managed to pay its bill in December without needing to dip into someone else's pockets. What are the circumstances that made this year so different? Is there something wrong with our finances that you don't want the Council (and the taxpayers) to know?
It should be clear to anyone that this council cannot ask these two clowns to appear; it must demand their presence.

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