Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nice Work, if you can get it (before we go off the cliff)

As we said earlier, our "proven financial manager" has put us on the road straight to hell. Even the State's financial managers believe we're here for details.

Why should we be surprised? After all, Picard's financial knowledge came straight from the AIG School of Business philosophy: "screw'em now, and let someone else deal with it!"

News flash: WE'RE the ones he's screwing...and those idiots who still support this Wall Street crook will scream the highest once our taxes go higher than ever...because of his AIG-type of financial jiggling.

Now, he wants to give City Hall bosses a
4% raise (or so he claims). This is a lie...the raises are far higher: some of the bosses will get $25,000.00 in increase over 2007. Wouldn't you like to get that much of a raise?

Take a gander at these two...these are just a sampling:


This tells me that the nutcases have control...more coming on this.

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