Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reading his Lips

Ya gotta admit, the two best things about John Picard is his face.

While he's pushing his new budget by pointing to $5,300,000 of debt he's "written off" (and which he created out of thin air to justify doubling our taxes three years ago), he's still insisting that he's not raising our taxes.

Yeah right...look up "shell game" on Wikipedia, and you'll see Picard's budgets.

When we get our tax bills in May, our sewer use fee will rise by $40.00 per assessment. But, says Picard, this is not a tax increase, it's a "fee adjustment".

Uh huh...if I gotta pay more, it's an increase. So, not only are we being fed a load of crap, we're gonna be charged more for getting rid of it.

UPDATE -- On Tuesday, March 31st, there will be a public hearing on this increase. GET THE WORD OUT! Harriet North Courtroom (2nd Floor, City Hall), 6:45 pm. You can bet we'll have something to say after that song and dance!

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