Sunday, March 15, 2009

The "VOICE" ...and the Truth

Just Simple facts:

Wednesday, March 4th - 4th District Councilman Stu Arotsky died.

Sunday, March 8th - Cars are vandalized in West Shore.

Thursday, March 12th - West Haven "VOICE" is published...with the story of the vandalism, but without any mention of Stu's passing.

I sent a letter off to the VOICE complaining of this much ya wanna bet Billy Goat-boy Gruff says it was too late to make the paper (even though it was in the Register on Friday)????

Whichever way you slice it, this is not the "Voice of West Haven"'s either: (a) a lazy slob who takes whatever comes his way, because he can't get off his ass to seek news, or (b) a lazy slob who only parrots the bull spewed out by the administration in power...because their friends are his friends.

And THAT, my friends, is the VOICE...and the truth. You be the judge.

UPDATE - I heard that the VOICE(?) will be responding to my complaint (one amongst many) regarding this shameful lack of reporting. Riccio's "excuse" is that no one told him about Stu's death. Apparently, it is required by this self-described "newspaper" that mourners must take time away from their loss to do the reporter's job for him. Now we know which type of lazy slob we're dealing with.

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