Friday, March 13, 2009

The "VOICE" (of a fraud)


As if anyone could have any doubts about it, our so-called "Independent" local editor has now laid his righteous anger upon City Clerk Debbie Collins. Yep, Bill Riccio has now devoted two articles (and one editorial) to her delay in submitting her recommended office ten days. Shame and Scandal!

Never mind that three other departments were similarly late. Never mind that Riccio's own "golden boy" was twice late in submitting the state-mandated audit. Never mind that Debbie runs her office to serve everyone who needs information & help, regardless of politics. Never mind all that.

No, the real reason for all this ink is the fact that one of his employees (who recently lost her job in City Hall) will be running for City Clerk. Of course, little Billy-Boy sees no need to divulge this little, um, conflict. Of course, why quibble over little details? It's the principle! This from the same clown who called President Obama a "fascist" and a "socialist", and who called Americans "idiots"...and who didn't even have the basic decency to note the sudden passing of a City Councilman! What a class act...NOT!

If this the biggest campaign issue, it'll be a long, boring summer.


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