Thursday, November 5, 2009

The "Self Proclaimed" Winner

Just as you can be sure that the Democrats will be fighting amongst themselves, there will be a challenge to the election of candidates from A Better Future Party.

The latest complaint comes from Republican/Reform candidate David Riccio, who ran for the Board of Education. Mr. Riccio has told the New Haven Register that he has "proclaimed himself" the winner of the minority spot on the Board of Education, because the certified ABF winner, Dorinda Borer, is a registered Democrat.

Sigh...let me make this clearer - again - to everyone (including Mr. Riccio):

As Head Moderator for this election, I was solely responsible for certifying the results - and the winners - of this election. Ms. Borer was certified as the minority winner of this position. I certified this result based on rulings from the Secretary of State's office...and I can't overturn those rulings. Just as Joe Lieberman (a registered Democrat) was re-elected as an Independent, so can Ms. Borer be elected as the candidate of A Better Future.

Mr. Riccio can "proclaim" anything he wants...but Ms. Borer will take that oath in December.


MonaLisa said...

Wow... seriously?

Doe he realize that this kind of thing doesn't speak all that well for him in general? I mean, even I knew THAT, and Mr. Riccio: jus' sayin' sumpin' don't make it so.

We should thank him for demonstrating that we've dodged a bullet, I think....

West Haven Bob said...

While there's a little "sore loser" mentality at work here, there's also the backhanded attack in ABF.

Complaints were made after the 2005 election, and again after the 2007 election. In both cases, the ABF candidates were ruled the winners, despite their enrollment.

Similarly spurious arguments were made when John Coppola resigned a year ago...same result.

MonaLisa said...

I've lived here in West Haven for over 40 years, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but I never paid attention to the goings-on in city hall beyond trying to decipher the weekly Felicia 'letter' in that gawd-awful local paper.

I'll be paying attention now, though....

West Haven Bob said...

There's always a lot of things going on behind the scenes, here...things that only make sense if you know the players.

Sadly, Felicia has gone downhill, since the early days...

MonaLisa said...

I wish I'd read her in the early days, then. Yours is the first WH blog I've come across so far (I was afraid I'd have to start my own!) I enjoy it very much, thank you for taking the time to write it.

Have you ever made it to Netroots Nation?

Authentic Connecticut Republican said...

It does seem like a clever method by which a party can circumvent minority party rules thereby creating a super-majority.