Wednesday, November 25, 2009


What with all the hoopla surrounding the arrest of Andrew DePalma on charges he stole money from the Elks, we got the usual sanctimonious drivel from the rest of our fine elected officials. (Need I thump my chest and proclaim I reported this last week?)

From Mayor Picard on down, we were treated to the "tsk, tsk, it's such a sad story" soundbites that sound like they're lifted out of "Political Statements for Dummies".

What really needs to be said - and what will never be said - is that this is a symptom of a far greater problem in West Haven. For far too long, we the voters have allowed the politicians -- Democratic, Republican, A Better Futurers (or whatever the hell you'd call them) -- to limit our choices of candidates for public office. And surprise, surprise! These politico's choose the candidates solely on their reliability to follow whatever faction is doing the choosing. No character vetting, no other tests of qualifications are even considered.

Now, Mr. DePalma is innocent of these charges...until he enters a guilty plea or is convicted.

But, the fact remains: we've had more than our share of elected officials who have committed, um, peccadillos (anyone remember the story of the police chief and the exotic dancer from the 1980's?)

We will continued to get ripped off in the future...unless something changes. And we the voters are the only ones who have the power and the motivation to begin the changing process.

Oh, yeah...Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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