Friday, July 31, 2009

Going off the Beaten Path

Senator Chris Dodd has been diagnosed with prostate cancer . This is a disease which can be easily treated, but which will kill you if you ignore it.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Senator Dodd for a full recovery...for everyone else:

Guys, If you can remember voting for or against Reagan (either time), GET CHECKED ASAP! The test sucks, but it's a cakewalk compared to the disease.


Anonymous said...

This might be inappropriate but Senator Dodd should have found out about his prostate cancer much sooner since he's got his head up his butt all the time

West Haven Bob said...

It is inappropriate...cancer is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

P.S...See my earlier blog on anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I guess in Mr. Dodd's case then karma sucks. He's a do nothing career politician. Just like all the other clowns in West Haven city hall.... I'll send him a get well card and a thank you card for being asleep at the wheel while our country got into this financial mess...

West Haven Bob said...

I guess I've gotta state it plainly:

I've been critical of Dodd since the Countrywide scandal first broke. However, as someone who lost both his parents, and nearly all grandparents to this disease, I must stop and pray for his recovery.

When asked why he stopped criticizing a political opponent (when the opponent was taken seriously ill), a Missouri senator famously said, "Sir, when Death lays his hand on my opponent, why then, I must take my hand off."

The 2010 election is far off. The time to lay political hands ON Dodd is also long off. If you can't feel (dare I say it) EMOTION for a fellow human being, you should not be deemed human.