Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A picture is worth....

...a thousand tears.

What was the point of last week's "As the Picard Turns"? Did John Picard really need to hear he's got a lot of support amongst the voters? Was he just teasing the voters by threatening to drop out? Did he truly have moments of doubt just as he was being endorsed?

The entire net results of John Picard's actions is that he gave energy to the Republicans and the members of A Better Future party (really, guys, GET A BETTER NAME!)...and royally screwed up the organization of the Democratic Party.

All in all, when everything is said and done, it's ALL ABOUT JOHN.


Anonymous said...

You're about as independent and fair as listening to Bill Riccio's thoughts on Obama or perhaps listening to Fox news.

You can't be "Independant " in your reporting while clearly supporting one side.

West Haven Bob said...

If you haven't noticed, I've been pretty critical of ALL the candidates - even the ones I support.

I hope to be supportive of a candidate or an incumbent...someday.

Try not to confuse "independence" with "impartiality".

West Haven Bob said...

I am curious, however, as to which public officials or candidates you feel (a) I should be more critical of; or (b) I should be less critical of.

West Haven Bob said...

Finally, (with kudos to Sitemeter), thanks for validating my opinion of you, Bill.

Anonymous said...

You should be critical of all the candidates in an equal way.

BTW if somehow you think my name is Bill you are mistaken

West Haven Bob said...

I try to be equally offensive...but sometimes it just gets too easy.

You'd better get to know Sitemeter better.

Anonymous said...

So you are trying to say you know my name because of sitemeter ?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you don't like this guy Bill who you speak of, if you really think I'm him I could have some real fun with this, lol

West Haven Bob said...

Actually, on the first time you commented, there was another visitor at the exact same time.

Now, I can see you're either in Minnesota or Florida (most likely the latter).

Sorry for the confusion...At any rate, if you read my past posts, you'll see I try to go after all the various candidates and parties. It's just that some are easier at times to mock than others: particularly incumbents.

I'll actually get seriously down to issues once this petition madness is over.

Anonymous said...

Wow that sitemeter really narrows it down, lol

BTW you guessed wrong, lol

West Haven Bob said...

Had a choice between MN & FL (based on who hit me when you commented)...FL had 3.

Say HI to AL for me when next you see him.

BTW...I'll accept ideas (and maybe even post'em as you write'em)...I did say INDEPENDENT!

Anonymous said...

Ok who is AL ?


West Haven Bob said...

The new Junior Senator for Mayo, AL FRANKEN, of course!

West Haven Bob said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if WH residents can comment on Politicians with all of the mayors and Governors who went to jail and the ones who should have, lol

West Haven Bob said...

Apparently, frightened off.