Monday, August 31, 2009

Kindergarten and Football

As was reported in the Register, the Board of Education (that is to say, we the taxpayers) has spent $450,000.00 to put a new turf cover on the football field at Ken Strong Stadium.

The Register article mainly deals with the safety issue regarding the new covering. I can't speak in any depth about this issue, except that:

  1. We should be able to trust that our elected officials will put our kids' health and safety first and foremost when choosing a contractor and materials; sadly, this has not been the "West Haven way" in the past. The "West Haven way" has seemed to be to choose the contractor who will give you the biggest campaign donations...I'll be looking to see how much this contractor gives to our "proven financial manager"...
  2. WHY should every man, woman and child have to pony up from their tax dollars for something only a few will use?
Beyond that, there's the little issue of how our tax dollars are spent. It seems there's no money on the Board of Education's budget for all day Kindergarten; yet we found almost half a million dollars to recover a football field that maybe one thousand kids will use (if you add it up over the next 15 years...assuming we don't need to replace it for health reasons!) Sports are a good and necessary part of the lives of kids as they are growing; but it should not take precedent over the more important issue of educating our more than should High School band, or Drama...and so on. If there is no money available for these extras, then those who participate in them should pony up the bucko's for the privilege of participating. This includes the upkeep of the stadium & field.

Priorities, priorities....Indeed.

We should all go to the next Board of Education meeting to ask Neil Cavallaro (shown at left below - not a Recent Photo) why he spent this money on sports, and not on education.

Perhaps we should rename the Board of Education to the Board of Sports and Entertainment.

UPDATE: Anyone who thinks our Education money is well spent should read the WTNH report here.


Dan said...

When you add up the money the school board spent on the original turf, plus the money it spent on the update a few years ago, plus this money, how much does it all come to?

Has to be close to 2 million dollars spent of grass! Fake grass.

West Haven Bob said...

The original false turf field was replaced, as I recalled, because of health concerns. The latest field was also replaced for the same reason. Now there are questions about the newest field.

To quote Peter, Paul, & Mary:

"When will they ever learn?"

Unfortunately, our tax dollars are financing their learning curve.

Anonymous said...

There is NO GOOD EXCUSE not to have all day kindergarten. They pay to bus seniors all over town, but don't give money to our future.

You should do a story on how many times the WSFD gets calls to Seacrest. Our tax dollars are paying for that too....

West Haven Bob said...

My main point is that, if we're in such a financial mess, then EVERYONE should have to share in the burden.

If there's no money for education, there's no money for football fields. Case closed.