Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trash Talkin'

The report yesterday in the Register that West Haven is switching it's private trash collectors from TrashMasters to Latella might seem at first blush to be a "ho-hum, who cares" type of story.

But, lost in the middle of this report is an interesting tidbit:

"Participating in the discussions for the trash removal contract was Kenneth Carney, head of the Building Oversight Committee. Sabo said she was instructed that all projects to go out to bid should be reviewed by the Building Oversight Committee, so she submitted the project to Carney."

This should set alarms off in the minds of all taxpayers and voters. First of all, what building is being overseen here? Secondly, on whose authority has the legally mandated review by the City Council been circumvented?

Most importantly, why do we need Ken Carney - whose vested interest in this town seems to center around how many elected officials' homes he can remodel - to review these contracts? Why can't the Council, or the Corporation Counsel...or for that matter our $2.17-a-minute Finance Director, Bob (Robber) Barron? These individuals were elected or hired for that purpose.

It is, at the very least, an appearance of impropriety and potential conflict of interest to have a contractor who performs services-for-pay for the City pass judgment on contracts for the City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is another example of how this adminstration thumbs its nose at the law by not going to the city council. Ken Carney is not even a West Haven resident so he should not be on any board or commission let alone be making these types of decisions. It is time to take Picard and his group and bring them to the dump!!! Remember come November!!!!!!!