Sunday, January 31, 2010

Someone ended up a bit shy

Word came in this weekend that the challenging slate in the Seventh District did not get enough verified signatures to get on the ballot. I heard that Sandy blew a fuse over this....

You see, it's not the number of signatures obtained that counts: it's the number the Registrar can verify. Seems a bunch of signatures on the petitions are either not registered Democrats, or the Registrar could not verify the signature. Who knows? The Registrar isn't giving out any info as yet.

I also got some rumblings about signatures that appear to be signed by one person for multiple slots...I've looked at a few examples of these, and I don't think there's anything to this accusation. But the accusation's going around town nonetheless: maybe there's more to this than I've seen.

Back to the seems likely that the challengers will want to go over each disqualification one-by-one. That's their M.O. -- and their right -- but ya gotta wonder: did they even check these signatures before submitting them? Maybe waiting until the last minute isn't the best strategy, Hmmmm......

And the Games Go On...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fun Times in West Haven

There's a certain household in the 3rd District, where the night-time conversations must be quite interesting...

You see, Don Siclari is running as an endorsed candidate for Town Committee, while his wife Phyllis is also running...on the challenging slate.

Hmmm...wonder if they'll vote for each other?

Only in West Haven....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And They're OFF!

I just got back from City Hall...The petitions were brought in...and I'm told that it's likely that all EIGHT challenging slates will make the grade.

That's right..I said EIGHT. In a last minute twist, the Morrissey faction put together a challenging slate for the endorsed candidates in the 5th District. So...we'll likely have a March 2nd primary in the following districts:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th,9th, and 10th.

If I get a chance in the coming days, I'll add a tool for voters to check:
  1. If they live in a District that has a primary;
  2. Who the candidates are in the primary; and
  3. Where to vote.
And...away we GO!

Going into the Final Turn

In a couple of hours, we'll have a better handle on what will shake out on March 2...

As soon as I can, I'll post the scorecards...for each team....stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doin' The "Two-Step (Political) Boogie"

Even if I live to be a million (and I probably will: after all, only the good die young), I'll never cease to be amazed at the blatant hypocrisy which will always be spewed by those amongst our City's political (lack-of) class during a primary. Submitted for your consideration is the latest sampling:

On Friday, a slate challenging the endorsed Democratic Town Committee in the 8th District wanted to pull their petitions.(FULL DISCLOSURE: I am friends with some of the putative candidates on both of these slates). However, one of the signatures provided was a faxed copy and not the original (as is required by state law).

Under the previous Democratic Registrar of Voters, Charles ("What-the CHUCK") Marino, such a challenging slate would have been tossed without question. However, the current Registrar tried instead to ask Hartford if she could issue the petitions pending the receipt of the missing signature. As a result (because she received no answer on the Friday), this slate had to wait until Monday. (FULL DISCLOSURE: Marino is a candidate for the challenging slate in the 3rd District.)

Here comes the hypocrisy: even though this problem - which the challenging slate caused - was fully explained to the challengers; even though this Registrar has been sued multiple times by this same group and their allies; even though Michelle Hufcut bent over backwards to accommodate them, This crowd is screaming "dirty political games", claiming Hufcut is essentially the corrupt tool of the current Democratic Party leadership. Good Lord! As if they wouldn't do worse!

This is a sham act straight out of the tired old music book of the administration: whether justified or not, portray your opponents as corrupt: that way, your kanoodling won't seem so bad. It used to be called "mud-slinging" it's called "targeting your message". What really stinks is that both sides will probably do it.

The challenging crowd has made an art of using any legal excuse to further their they apparently can't recognize honest government when they see it. In the same way, they accuse me of being biased (which they understand to mean opposed to their opposed to having a different agenda altogether.) Of course, being fair and balanced - by their own statement (which means, apparently, that they dislike me) - they oppose everyone but their own friends. "They'll report...You decide."

Here's a news flash: none of these three factions -- not the Borer, not the Morrissey, and certainly not the Picard -- will be fitted out with their political halo's any time in the near future.

My advice: STOP trying to show us how bad your opponents are; instead show us how much better you are. You'll be surprised by how much energy and enthusiasm that message will generate...and energetic and enthusiastic Democrats are the most likely to vote.

Nah...ain't gonna happen.No matter how much we plead, the piano player is only gonna play that same tired old "DOWN & DIRTY POLITICAL RAG" again, right


Missing Something?

Wasn't something supposed to happen around New Years?

Oh, that's right...our financial audit was to be released! Hmmm.....

Of course, how important could this year's audit be? After all, the Mayor did assure us just a few months ago that "West Haven's Finances are drastically improved" and that his last budget contained "no service cuts, no tax increases [and] honorin' our commitments."

And, of course, we have no reason now to doubt him.

I guess we don't need no stinkin' would only make that pesky Council ask silly questions, instead of rubber-stamping the budget like they're supposed to do.

I'm just sayin'...

Monday, January 25, 2010

And the clock keeps Ticking...

Well...two more days before we find out if there will be a Democratic Town Committee primary in March. True to their usual game plan, none of the challenging slates have as yet handed in any petitions...their regular modus operandi is to wait until the final minutes.

I'm not sure what this is supposed to gain them...everyone knows they had enough time to get their signatures (and I'm confident that they did.) But that's how they play. UPDATE: (Tuesday, 01/26 3:55pm) -- Word is in that the challenging slate in the 9th District returned about 140 signatures (they need 89). So, it's a safe bet that at least this District has qualified for a primary.

One district that might have some problems is the 8th. Apparently, one of the authorizing signatures for the challengers wasn't original...the putative candidate faxed his authorization in. As a result, this slate couldn't get their petitions until today at the earliest.

Now, I'm aware that the Registrar relied on the instructions from Hartford on this issue. But it seems to me that this town is small enough that everyone knows that this candidate was going to run. Maybe, a better (and fairer) solution would have been to issue the petitions with the warning that no signatures would be counted if the original wasn't received by the deadline. Sometimes "legal" isn't the same as "right".

But..."fair" and "West Haven politics" have always been antitheses of each other...and so more ill feelings have been generated.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'd Like To Say...

(This will be an occasional feature from West Haven Bob)
...that I extend my condolences to the fans of both the New York Jets and of the Minnesota Vikings -- Both teams put up a great game, and have no reason for shame. At least for the Jets, I suspect their young team will only get better in the coming years...and I might have to worry for my beloved New York GIANTS for the future hearts of New York football fans. And (though I hate to admit it) Brett Favre proved why he's a lock for the Hall of Fame (and Adrian Peterson will only get better).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Voters look at Politicians

I'm sorry to be the one who has to break this fact to our City's politicians, but:

This is how most of West Haven Voters see you!

Do you get it now? I didn't think so. Let's try a simpler explanation:

For far too long, politico's have gotten their offices from voters who cast their vote: not for who will do the best job, but for whom they like or for whom someone they know says they like. Helluva way to pay our taxes, right?

Who in hell am I kidding? This has always worked for you...and look where it's gotten us: the highest taxes in the highest taxed state. Woo-Hee! But at least your friends and supporters are on our tax rolls. Woo-Woo-Hee!

It probably will work yet again...and we'll continue to pay even more taxes to maintain your out-of-date model of government. I might
as well have said this to the damned cat.
What in HELL will ever change? The answer is: NOTHING - at least, until you finally manage to bring West Haven down to Hell.

You won't learn...until we learn. Jeez, I hope the cat is listening! Maybe it's smarter than the rest of us!!!

Maybe I'll try again on that damned cat. Maybe I'll have better luck.

Yeah, right.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to the Grind...

Word just came in...petitions have been pulled in four additional districts: the 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 10th.

So (assuming they get the required number of verified signatures), we'll have a March primary in seven of the ten districts.

I'll have names, etc. shortly.

Welcome to Alessandra Carmelina!

It's an extremely welcome (and rare) opportunity to take a break from the political back-biting that makes up my meat-and-potatoes. So I'd like to take this chance to welcome little Alessandra Carmelina Picard into this world.

May she have all the happiness, the good fortune, the health and the happiness this world can supply. To the happy parents: as this is your second, I'm sure you're ready for the "3:00 am drill"...I don't envy you (though I do envy the lifetime of happiness she will bring you!)

I can't make politics the be-all and end-all of my life; and a new life is a joyous gift we all should rejoice in. Those who are sniping on the Register article run the risk of becoming as bitter and nasty as those they oppose. Get some perspective...and get a life.

We're in for some Stormy Weather

Better start saving up now...because all signs point to a substantial property tax increase this year.

I don't need to point out that the last
hike - 33% - occurred right after property revaluation...and we're just about wrapping up our latest reval.

You see, our local politicians have always loved revaluation, since it gives them the chance to make our tax rate look lower (if property values go up), while actually raising the monetary amount we each pay. Of course, if property values go down, they point to the lower Grand List as the main culprit. Either way, we get the shaft...and they avoid all blame.

But there's another factor to be considered. When he spoke before the City Council on January 13th, Finance Director Bob Barron (depicted below) made the astounding admission that, "in the 33 months [he has been Finance Director], West Haven has almost always spent more than it had taken in" [emphasis added]. By both City Charter and by State Law, we cannot run a deficit at the end of the year. Add to this the fact that our Bond Rating is now the lowest in the state (or nearly so) borrowing - even if he wanted to - isn't an option for Picard.

So the only possible way we can avoid a deficit is to take money from the next year's tax short, w
e're stealing from our future. Sound Financial Management, indeed.

It was politically impossible for the Mayor to propose a second tax increase, especially after the whopper he dropped on us in 2006. But all indicators point to the likelihood that he won't seek everything's back on the table.

It is probably too much to ask that the administration give us some warning that this is coming down the pike...that would require honesty and openness.

Like I said, better start saving now...we'll all be paying later.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We've Got COMPANY....

It's amazing: what you can learn by reading the comments on the New Haven Register.

FINALLY...someone has created a rival blog to yours truly, called (curiously enough) West Haven the TRUTH. As of the one post so far, their only issue seems to be about lil ole me...but they promise more.

I hope they keep this up -- West Haven needs more discussions on the issues (and I'll be able to lose the more snarky a
spects of this blog - yeah, right).

If they continue to post, be assured I'll list them on the left in my list of recommended sites.

Oh, yeah, by the way..."The Truth" might consider allowing comments. If he (or she) wants any advice, I'll freely give it to them.

(And, yes, I DO have standards...I think I have them around here somewhere....)

UPDATE -- I was able to determine the identity of our little "Truth"'s a clue:

Pity...and here I thought we might get reasoned dialogue...

A Clarification

I've received a number of emails regarding my previous posting. I find it painfully necessary to make the following clear:

When I made my (all too obvious) puns in my rant, I was referring to the political appetite of the individuals involved....and not their physical appearance. Likewise, the snarky photo (once again, I warn everyone: the pictures on this blog are usually intended as jokes or exaggerations!) is meant to depict the political size of the individual.

Poking fun at someone's weight is beneath even my standards (I know that's tough to believe - that I even have standards!).

OK...everyone clear on this now?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who's That Girl?

I've received word - from an unusual source - that there seems to be something of a, shall we say, "dissension amongst the ranks" within the challenging group of Democrats.

Apparently, the "Picard-Powers" - those who are leading the revolt against the Morrissey-endorsed DTC slate - have made it clear to a certain "mystery woman" (depicted at left) that their slate wasn't LARGE enough for the two of her.

I'm told this person has been a GREAT supporter of the Picard forces over the years
; and there's been a MASSIVE amount of resentment bubbling up as a result of this edict.

Now, exactly who was the object of this ENORMOUS internal squabble is not yet certain.

But - and this is a BIG, BIG BUT - I suspect this disagreement might only get LARGER...unless Team Picard can devise a HUGE compromise that could sate this person's voracious political APPETITE. Either way, this domestic dispute could lower their chances of success in the March primary.

I have some suspicions as to who our "mystery girl" is, but I think this story is way too BROAD for my limited capabilities. So, I'm asking for your guesses. Sift through the clues, and help me get to the BOTTOM of this story.

I can't probe this alone
(and I don't want to).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And Baby Makes THREE

This morning, a third challenging slate pulled petitions. Fittingly enough, this third district is the Third District. Listed above are the three challenge slates as given to me by the Registrar.

What hasn't happened as yet is just as interesting, though. I received word that there would be a challenge raised in the Eighth...but as far as I know there's been no official word.

Rumor has it that one of the putative members of this group has emphatically told his friends and cohorts that he is absolutely not going to run...maybe the rest of the group is scrambling to find a (somewhat) warm body to fill out their dance cards? Hmmmm.

We shall see, we shall see.

Friday, January 15, 2010


They're off and running (for petition signatures, that is!)

Late word just came in that petitions were pulled today for challenge slates in two districts: the 1st and the 9th. By my rough calculations, the challengers need about 80 verified signatures in the 1st, and about 100 in the 9th, in order to get on the ballot and force a March 2 primary...and they have about a week and a half to do it. Shouldn't be such a tall order.

And, though I haven't seen exactly who will be on these challenge slates, I've been told there's some good vote-getters listed. I hope to have more details on the slates after the weekend.

But I'm still wondering: Why only TWO Districts? By my (admittedly rough) calculation, the endorsed Town Committee is split 47 Morrissey supporters to 13 Picard. Even if they win all 12 seats, they won't have enough to take control....unless some of the supposed Morrissey endorsees are really backing his side "in name only"....hmmmm.

I'm left with the suspicion that there will be more challenge slates popping up in the near future - but (given that they can't get petitions until Tuesday at the earliest), any additional petitioners will have barely a week to get the requisite signatures to get on the ballot.

And so it goes.....AGAIN.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

48 Hours

The twice-postponed Council meeting, in which we were supposed to get answers as to why the City took $1.2 million out of the Police Pension Fund took place last night...and most of it was little more than political ballet.

First at bat for the "West Haven Administrators" was Assistant Corporation Counsel Henry Szadkowski. Henry juked and jived his way around the questions as only a lawyer can. In fact, I haven't yet found one answer he gave last night that directly answered a question posed. But he did make a few eye-opening statements:

  • At the time of the raid on the Police Pension, West Haven was "48 hours away from bankruptcy...and the possibility of [another] State takeover.";
  • The City was late in paying Federal withholding taxes at least twice in December...subjecting us to IRS penalties;
  • It's his opinion that, even though the Police Pension agreement (which he helped to write) refers only to one Fund Manager (which is appointed by the City Council), there really are a number of fund managers...and the Mayor can unilaterally decide who to designate as Fund Manager as he deems fit.
Hitting cleanup was our Director of Finance (Yes, he really did show up - unlike the Mayor). Der Barron led us through the circumstances which caused this little midnight raid...but had no explanation as to why the Council wasn't notified of this problem when it was first noticed at the end of October. (His best shot was that he was "too busy trying to avert a catastrophe").

Barron's contribution to our little hit parade was the revelation that, in the nearly three years since he became Finance Director, West Haven has nearly run out of operating funds in almost "every month." Um, you don't see this as a problem? You don't think this is something that the City Council should know?

All this is, um, just a bit at odds with the increasingly rosy picture put out by the administration just a few months ago. Of course, he was running for reelection back then.

I wonder what the good people at MFAC think of this performance? Maybe we should ask.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Turning to the News...'s now been a week since the Picard Democrats could have pulled petitions for a Democratic Town Committee primary in March...and the big news is that there's no news.

As of late yesterday, no petition forms have been anyone.

I have to admit, this lack of activity has me confused. Based on the level of intensity displayed at the nominating caucus, I have little doubt that there will be a primary. But the absence of petitioning benefits the group in power far more than anyone else. All petitions have to be returned does cutting into the time one has for getting signatures help?

I'm sure the Morrissey side couldn't care less about this: as things stand now, they're firmly in control. And - without a primary - they will have the power to decide who gets the endorsement in 2011.

Incidentally, if the Morrissey side emerges victorious, there will be major ramifications for the other political parties in town...and for all of us as well. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The facts of Life

It's a fact of everyone's life: that - sooner or later - we will either grow old or we will die young. And, just as we needed our parents to help us as we entered this world, we will likely need help as we prepare to leave it. Death is the inevitable result of living.

I was lucky, in that that I had the money, the opportunity - and the desire - to care for both my parents in their final months. I did the same for my younger sister. By doing this, I got the priceless opportunity - not only to say "I Love You", but also to show it in the same wordless manner they showed their love for me: with personal loving care that only a family member can give.

But, not everyone has the convergence of all three aspects of time, money and desire...and so we need assisted living facilities. We need these facilities: not for our convenience (or assistance, though it might come to that sooner than we expect), but for the comfort of those who will soon leave us. The people who would use this place are blameless in our arguments...but they cannot be forgotten.

I cannot say that the proposal before the Planning & Zoning Board is the best possible use of the land...though I am sure that all other proposals brought forward thus far are far inferior. Private homes (to use the craven dual arguments of tax revenue/service costs) cannot approach the cost-to-tax-benefit ratio that this proposal offers. I won't steep to the level of wondering whether EMT service to the place can be equated to the costs of education or trash pickup...I'll leave this to those who don't feel the need to bother with their consciences at the close of the day.

I cannot say that the individual (or business) is the best entity to put this proposal forward...though I am sure that no one else has brought a similar proposal for our region.

Having said all this, I do believe there's many points of concern about the impact that this facility would have on the quality of life of those who own homes near where it would be. Has the applicant adequately addressed the issue of traffic and/or parking on the premises? Has the applicant shown good faith in correcting neighborhood concerns in the past? Have there been governmental concerns? Is there any good reason to think this will be merely a "dumping ground" for old folk, instead of a needed place for seniors to finish their lives with dignity?

I don't know if there are answers to these questions (or to the hundreds of other questions I have). While I do know that such a facility is needed, I don't know whether this proposal best fills that need.

I only hope that - given the sensitivity of the subject - the P&Z Board has gotten
answers to these questions (and can coherently provide those answers to the people)...and that those raising the most strident objections aren't caring more about their wallets than they care about their fellow human beings.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Democrats, Start your Primaries!

The endorsements for Town Committee are over...and so begins the inevitable signature gathering to force a March primary.

(Of course, I'm referring to the Democrats; the Republicans won't have their caucus until next Tuesday...and they can't get enough (reasonably living) candidates for endorsements, let alone challenges!)

There were a couple of wrinkles thrown into the endorsement process, though. Right at the beginning of the caucus, a challenge to the legitimacy of the caucus was raised by none less than Deb Evangeliste Evangelista (a dumb mistake on my part). Her challenge stemmed from her contention that the local party rules required that votes for Town Committee members be held at polling places in each district (in other words, at the polls.) Ms
. E was backed up (rather vocally) by the Great One herself:

Much as I hate to admit this, I thought there was some merit to this argument...until I looked over the by-laws of both the local and state parties (the details are overly long and somewhat boring, so I'll skip the explanations. The short version is that the caucus was legal.) But I digress....

The meeting was somewhat boring - candidates were nominated, no opposing slates were forwarded - until we got to the 9th and 10th Districts.
Then, the games began...and the Morrissey-backed candidates won in each case.

What does all this mean? Simply put, my prediction is that the Picard forces will attempt a challenge in at least 4 of the ten districts. By my count, they need only to win three of these districts, or two plus some extras in other districts in order to get control of the Town Committee...and force the Morrissey/Borer coalition out of power.

That isn't such a far-fetched outcome. If I were in their shoes, I suppose I'd try it too...because the alternative (for either side) is utter loss. I suspect the Morrissey group will think about mounting challenges to the Picard-endorsed candidates as well. It's now a matter of all-out war...control of the party (and with Party control comes the control of the City government, since the West Haven Republicans can't get their act together) is the ultimate goal for each side.

You can be sure there's some serious head-counting going on in each camp right now...and both sides have some heavy-hitters to put into their lineups. The next few days will end up looking like the calm before the next - and far from the last - storm.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Congratulations to...

Our NEW Chief of Police, John Karajanis!

Exactly when Capt. Karajanis becomes Chief Karajanis is not as yet determined...but it's great to see a Westie get the job. Best of Luck, Chief!

UPDATE: The Register is reporting that Karajanis will assume his new duties around the beginning of Spring this year.

Monday, January 4, 2010

As the Curtain Rises on the Second Act...

UPDATE: Because tomorrow is Three Kings Day (or Epiphany, or Twelfth Night), and Bob Barron's wife apparently observes one of these, the meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 13th, at 7:30 PM.

After the no-show acts by Messrs. Picard and Barron at last month's Council inquiry into the $1.2 million dollar transfer from the Police Pension fund (so that the City could "pay its bills"), the first big question is:

Will Barron & Picard show up on Wednesday?

If either (or both) decline the Council's "request", then all the rest of the big questions remaining - of which I've stated but a few in this earlier post - cannot be answered...and this meeting will be nothing more than another waste of our time.

I've been hearing rumors that Da Robba, at least, might not show. If he doesn't, the Council will be faced with two options:
  • Drop the issue - The plan of these two seems to be to simply out-wait the Council's interest in this matter, in the hopes it will go away. After all, the City did put the money back in a few days later; what's all the big deal? If they can drag this out long enough, eventually the public's attention (and the Council's) will fade away.
  • Issue a subpoena to these two to appear under oath - As outlined in my earlier post, the Council has the power to force members of the Executive branch to appear before them. If then they still defy the Council, they could be subject to criminal action as well as monetary fines. I'd start researching how much of a fine they could levy, as it appears that Picard's (and Barron's) hubris knows no bounds.
My hope is that the Council takes the second option, simply because this transfer - which was designed to stay "under the radar" - was done for a good reason. But no one in the Administration wants to tell us exactly what that good reason is.

Are we looking at another big increase in property taxes? Only these two can give us the answers...and they don't seem to wanna talk.

(By the way, the illustration wasn't intended to resemble our $145,000 per year Finance Director...I don't even know if he owns a red suit!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The More Things Change...

It seems amazing, doesn't it?

Despite having an overwhelming advantage in registration, as well as having almost all elected positions (and some have suggeste
d they have all elected positions), the Democrats are a-warmin' up for yet another internecine rumble for control of the Democratic Town Committee.

Word is that a challenge slate, allied with current DTC Chair Jim Morrissey, has already been set up to challenge the supporters of Mayor Picard...and vice-versa.

I've heard that Himself is mounting a challen
ge to remove Morrissey from the Chairmanship, and in response, Morrissey is firing back to solidify his hold on the Town Committee. Of course, there's a version which makes Morrissey the aggressor and Picard the aggrieved, but really...what's the difference?

The Town Committee must endorse candidates between January 5 and January 12. UPDATE: I found the legal notice from the Dems stating that the DTC Meeting will be held tomorrow at 7:00 PM in the North Courtroom of City Hall. Challengers to these endorsed candidates have until January 27th to get sufficient signatures to force a primary. A primary for these seats, if needed, will be held on March 2...with another $30,000 out of our taxes paying for it.

So....away we go: I'm reminded by the wise words of Shakespeare:
"Once more, into the breach, dear friends, once more..." - Henry V

Or more appropriately:

"Cry Havoc! and let loose the dogs of war!" - Julius Caesar