Friday, January 8, 2010

Democrats, Start your Primaries!

The endorsements for Town Committee are over...and so begins the inevitable signature gathering to force a March primary.

(Of course, I'm referring to the Democrats; the Republicans won't have their caucus until next Tuesday...and they can't get enough (reasonably living) candidates for endorsements, let alone challenges!)

There were a couple of wrinkles thrown into the endorsement process, though. Right at the beginning of the caucus, a challenge to the legitimacy of the caucus was raised by none less than Deb Evangeliste Evangelista (a dumb mistake on my part). Her challenge stemmed from her contention that the local party rules required that votes for Town Committee members be held at polling places in each district (in other words, at the polls.) Ms
. E was backed up (rather vocally) by the Great One herself:

Much as I hate to admit this, I thought there was some merit to this argument...until I looked over the by-laws of both the local and state parties (the details are overly long and somewhat boring, so I'll skip the explanations. The short version is that the caucus was legal.) But I digress....

The meeting was somewhat boring - candidates were nominated, no opposing slates were forwarded - until we got to the 9th and 10th Districts.
Then, the games began...and the Morrissey-backed candidates won in each case.

What does all this mean? Simply put, my prediction is that the Picard forces will attempt a challenge in at least 4 of the ten districts. By my count, they need only to win three of these districts, or two plus some extras in other districts in order to get control of the Town Committee...and force the Morrissey/Borer coalition out of power.

That isn't such a far-fetched outcome. If I were in their shoes, I suppose I'd try it too...because the alternative (for either side) is utter loss. I suspect the Morrissey group will think about mounting challenges to the Picard-endorsed candidates as well. It's now a matter of all-out war...control of the party (and with Party control comes the control of the City government, since the West Haven Republicans can't get their act together) is the ultimate goal for each side.

You can be sure there's some serious head-counting going on in each camp right now...and both sides have some heavy-hitters to put into their lineups. The next few days will end up looking like the calm before the next - and far from the last - storm.

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