Saturday, September 12, 2009

What went wrong...Chapter I, Part 2...

Continuing on.....

Well, back in 1991, when Richie Borer was elected (with help from Wayne Talamelli), he made the specific attempt to bring disaffected Republicans into his group. These "disaffected Republicans" mainly included those who were most responsible for (and who most regretted) the election of Larry Minichino. Some became Democrats; others became Unaffiliated voters.

Rich Borer won three more elections; and by 1997, the remnants of the Republicans just gave up.

Did the Republicans clean out their Town Committee (like the Democrats would have done)? Did the Republicans look to new and more vibrant faces to challenge this Democratic Mayor?


The Republican Town Committee (staffed by Minichino supporters, and unchallenged at every turn) remains in place to this day: a fossilized sample of what once was (and could have been)...remaining oblivious to the fact that their party went from 12,000 voters in 1980 to less than 3,000 today.

(Next Installment - Democrats)

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