Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is Our Children Learning?

When I went to West Haven High School (back in the days when we scratched our test answers on the cave walls), there were two mandatory classes: Civics, and Current Affairs. As I recall, Mr. Di Nallo taught me both subjects. (I've often wondered if he ever got over that experience! Maybe he's still in therapy....)

Civics, for those of you too young, taught us our responsibilities as American citizens: our rights -- and our responsibilities -- under the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut. Current Affairs taught us to read the news, and to form an opinion on the news of the day.

Both of these subjects, I'm told, are no longer taught in public high school. If this is true, then THIS IS BOTH AN INSULT TO OUR COUNTRY AND A CRIME AGAINST OUR YOUNG! Part of the reason for our government to educate our children is to make them educated, informed citizens.

I don't care if it's because of No Child Left Behind, or because the football field needs a new cover.

If our kids don't know (a) how this country works, (b) how they can get this country to work the way they want, and (c) how to recognize slanted bull when it's provided as news (and yes, I'm including this site)....we're doomed as a country.

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