Saturday, September 19, 2009

Number ONE!!!!

West Haven Bob hit a RECORD amount of web hits on Wednesday...

It seems that people ALL OVER THE WORLD (5 continents, 83 countries) wanted to hear what lil' ole me had to say about lil' ole West Haven.

To those who doubt my honesty, or my independence, let the following graph (copied from Site Meter) give my response:



Who do you want for mayor and the city council.

West Haven Bob said...

As an election official, I'm somewhat muzzled as to my preferences.

However, I hope to get positions from all the candidates on issues (such as nepotism, corruption, taxes, quality-of-life, and so on) you can best decide.

Also, I hope to have a "Where do I Vote" Box installed on the site, to help give voters more info.

jimd said...

Not to bust your buble but check how many of those hits came from my Ip address, 20 at least i'm guessing as I was testing Firefox

West Haven Bob said...

Well, a "hit" is a "hit"...also set a record on page views.

jimd said...

Yep I was refreshing your page over and over, happened to be the last site I was on that day so it popped up first.

20 was a modest etimate, I was watching your counter go up thinking you were going to think you had all these hits.

I won't access your page for a week then check back next Monday so you will have an accyrate count from 10pm Tuesday on