Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dems to Picard: DROP DEAD!

Well, West Haven Bob is finally back on line, after a fun-filled 48 hours of neutrality...of which more stories will come.

(PS - the title of this post is from two earlier posts - here and here.)

Anyways, the results of the primary are in...and the Democratic voters have given the Picard team a resounding thumping: with but a few exceptions, all Picard-endorsed candidates - including incumbents - had their exit tickets punched by the voters.

Once official results are delivered to the proper officials, I'll post them on-line for anyone interested.

Am I the only one who thinks a message was passed by the voters to the tearful top of the ticket?



Morrissey's candidates will be the same.This is why we need term limits and proportional representation and a civil service
system when it comes to job hiring.

re said...

Its definetly a huge step in the right direction